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parasites and vampires Anonymous 113782

the emerging concept of vampiric people and parasites in pop culture is pretty interesting to me. i think what makes parasites distinct from overtly harmful people is that you can have parasitic forces in your life without even being aware of it. the only purpose of parasites is to drain their host of resources and energy, and sometimes one can have a parasite in their body for years without even knowing.

i think this is similar to vampires and vampiric people because, on the surface, vampiric people can be very charming. vampiric people can even make you feel very good, and may even be well liked by others. but over time, you start being drained emotionally, for reasons you're unsure of, if never realizing the source of internal decay.

i think there are vampiric ideologies. if taken at face value, they seem reason-minded, they seem to be logically correct, yet, upon being exposed to such an ideology, you start adopting beliefs and ideas that don't feel ""right"", and you know, based on prior existences of living, that you are changing in a way that does not feel good, but consciously cannot identify why that is.

have you guys experienced any parasitic people or ideas in your life? could be a friend group, subculture, family member, etc. also i wonder how people should deal with things like this. i think a sense of emotional awareness could help (maybe)

Anonymous 113783

As far as strategies, be wary of anyone that becomes a part of your life without any conscious effort on your part. If someone just shows up repeatedly, the human wiring for social behavior will default to letting them in until you realize months later that there’s a reason they wanted in so badly. That’s why normal people are so put off by desperation, even though there are plenty of desperate people that there’s nothing wrong with.
So if someone initiates too many times in a row I consider why. If they’re just lonely fine. If they have something to gain I draw back a bit. If they mirror that, then we’re probably good and I reach out eventually. If they continue initiating I’m out.

Anonymous 114165

here's another obnoxious thing about parasites. they always have to avoid moral accountability when they do something wrong. it is always whataboutism and pointing their fingers at other people with them and redirecting attention to other energy draining resources.
most people just go - "yeah, that was wrong of me. let's move on and do better." meanwhile, parasites always fixate on never admitting to wrongdoing, because that means constraining their behavior and not acting parasitic in the first place.
i hate parasites. i wish they would just go away forever but they never shut up or stop being parasitic.

Anonymous 114166

also also
ive noticed that people who tend to be morally disengaged also tend to be the most parasitic. if you don't ever try to plot out or identify a moral map of any sense, naturally you have the most room for parasitic behavior.

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