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How to deal with hating existence? Anonymous 113805

Every suggestion I get doesn't help. I genuinely just hate existence and living. How do you meter out your life and time and activities when you genuinely dont want to be here? I don't understand why im here at all. I hate being around people and don't trust most of them after being stalked. I'll think I'm making headway and i just find myself in the same place again. With this general apathy and disdain. I think I'm going to change something but i realize im really just as apathetic as i was yesterday, a year ago and a decade ago. This feeling follows me everywhere I go. The hatred I feel towards having to participate in a performance or contribute anything actually just makes me full of rage at the end of the day. I do NOT understand what motivates normal people. I really just want to get my mind back and i've been stuck on the fact that i lost my mind ages ago. I don't want money, or clothes, or fancy cars, or love from some shitty moid i just want my mind back and i want it to be MINE. No one else's

Anonymous 113808

If you don't find some kind of realistic and personal goal to distract yourself, you're going to feel like this forever. You don't see any way to improve your situation which is why you're miserable. Figure out one goal that, if you succeeded at it, would genuinely improve your standard of living (e.g. If I move to X country/city my life will be great. If I can write and publish my books about X then people will finally learn the truth about Y. If I study X then I can get paid to hang out with animals instead of dealing with stupid people.) If achieving this goal can bring you near the people who like the way you think and truly share your deepest values, then it's what you need to do. Trust me, there are great people who don't conform to modern society out there, but the truly cool people are don't their own thing so you need to be on your mission too to connect with them.

Is there anything you like to do at all? Anything you remotely enjoy doing? Your goal doesn't have to be perfect, just pick anything and try to achieve it. You can always change your goal later.

By the way, you got stalked? That's terrifying. I guess you're hotter than me then. Wtf happened?

Anonymous 113811

See thats what I used to think but I go back to apathy after everything i do. After being stalked i think I'm cursed. I have a long history of not trusting people for various reasons, but i mostly have no idea what happend with me. I have no idea where or how to begin trusting people outside of my family. I don't even trust most people in my family. No I'm average and I don't go out of my way to get male attention i pretty much push it away in every concievable way i can think of. I do continue to journal and have the intention of selling things online. But i mean i always feel a million miles away from everything im doing in some way. Maybe im like not all mentally here. But i dont know if thats true.

Anonymous 113812

Find hobbies and things to look forward to. Small things add up over time. Supportive friends take time to gain but they are very worth it. Volunteer and get a sense of what other people suffer through because it will build your sense of purpose and give you perspective. Outweigh the negative experiences by at least 5 to 1. Getting over this feeling is only possible with time and learning more about yourself. The world is truly beautiful and existence is the most special thing in life because it allows us to experience emotions, good and bad.

Anonymous 113814

No it most certainly is not, it is a fucking cesspit.

Anonymous 113881

She's right. You don't have to volunteer (though it's a great idea), but find people who are worse off than you. Treat them kindly, hang out and bond with them. You'll feel better about yourself just enough. Trust me.

Also uninstalling your negative thoughts takes months/years. That's just how it is. Have faith that you can one day be happy, keep that faith and eventually you really will. Get good at something that benefits your life in any small way. You'll start out shit, but in a few months you'll get good enough to start advising new people on how to do it properly. 1.5-2 years is enough (yeah sure it's a long time, but true meaningful change takes time. In life there are NO easy fixes. Deal with it.)

Continue ignoring men. You're not going to get anything out of them lmfao. When you hone on your strengths and get just a little confident in what you do, you'll find a moid who will genuinely admire you for your confidence and will do anything to stay with you. Based off the men in my family, the kind of men who genuinely value intelligence tend to be constantly single. I know several women who think sexually like men (value looks foremost) and men who think like women (discard looks when there is no chemistry). There are big differences between the sexes. At the end of the day, many people just want to spend time with someone who will put up with and laugh off their eccentricities.

Your distrust for people is completely reasonable. Maybe you had an expectation that people were good and trustworthy, but the truth is there are no "good" people. People do good things and bad. Your best friend will backstab you when the payoff is high enough, that's just rational game theory and a fact of life. To expect otherwise is to hold humanity to an irrationally high standard. That doesn't mean having a best friend doesn't hold great value. Such friendship serves you wonderful company, fun times and comfort when times are rough. If you had a friend who was that loyal to you, you probably wouldn't consider them your best friend anyway because they would pose no challenge or excitement to you.

I don't trust people either. I meet lots of people regularly and I feel very paranoid in the first few meetings, because the risk of identity theft or being roped into harm are real things to fear. Most people though genuinely don't wish to harm you. They just want to be better off today than they were yesterday and spend time with somebody who may understand their struggles and deepest desires.

You do NOT have to put on a "performance" no matter how weird you think you are. If you think you need to perform for others, then you are completely off-base. The weirdos of society who put the hard work in are the famous people you see all over TV. No matter what path you take, somebody is going to tell you it's wrong (even if it's becoming an engineer or studying medicine). You need to tune out all the garbage. They don't know what's best for you, they're trying to figure out what's best for them by projecting it on you to verbally process their own self-reflection. Be yourself to the best of your ability. Hiding your deepest passions will drive away the genuinely great people by making them think you're just some lame normie (which is very unpopular in intelligent and high net worth circles). My family is full of wealthy entrepreneurs and they really look down on such people as sheep who lack critical thinking.

The people who fit in easily, they are the ones putting on the performance. Their lives are so painful, dull and superficial. Then they cry alone about how nobody understands then and jump around from awful relationship to relationship. Somehow it's so difficult for them to just be honest about who they are. They'll never tell you though about how miserable they are though, because that will break the happy, everything-is-good "act". It's funny because most of those "loneliness crisis" articles are actually meant for them. Believe me, no sane person wants to live like that, and that's why most people don't do that. Most of the weirdos actually have deep friendships with people who think like them.

Leave your house, get outside and meet new people. Also be kind. Lots of people put up walls and act rude as a psychological defense mechanism, but that's really not going to get you anywhere. Be wary and on guard for deceptive actors, but be kind to people and help them out when it doesn't hurt you. Kindness is so hard to find. Even a morally dubious person will at least be kind to someone who treats then well to continue getting the good treatment. Keep some attitude too though and be yourself. Just keep moving forward in your own way and life will fall into place.

Do not push everybody away though. That is how you stay miserable forever. Humans are social animals whether you want to admit it or not.

By the way, you keep saying you want your mind back. In objective terms, how are you not in control of your mind? What specific symptoms indicate that you are not control of your mind? Is it just constant stress and hatred of people and the world (which is 100% natural and something every person experiences)? Please, write it all out so you can logically explain why you don't control your mind and figure out how you can get it back.

Anonymous 113883

They most certainly are not social animals i know because i've never been one. I just get resentful of people because what they want makes me feel hollow. I relate to nobody. I've given up trying to find anyone that relates to me.

I don't have control of my mind because its depressed and i hate existence. Everything in it. I don't know when it started I've always felt apathetic, numb, angry, depressed. I have no real explanation.

Anonymous 114172

I feel the same way. My most frequent recurring thought is I wish I were dead. I wonder what it is like to enjoy life and look forward to things.

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