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Anonymous 114041

this isn’t much of a vent just an annoyance but does anyone else here have bpd and/or autism and get fetishized by guys for it? like no i’m not ur manic pixie girl i have a disorder

Anonymous 114042

No, because if I did I wouldn't make it my entire identity like you have, I wouldn't even talk about it.

Anonymous 114043

I wish you retarded normies who show up any time bpd gets mentioned would fuck off already. Can't you go be a cunt somewhere else?

Anonymous 114045

dude I have a personality disorder, obviously i’m going to make it my entire personality

Anonymous 114050

I've never seen anyone fetishize bpd

Anonymous 114051

It's mostly newgen 4chan retards who want an unstable e-gf

Anonymous 114058

they are predators >:(

Anonymous 114059

they think that you are weak thats why

Anonymous 114060

i have. they are the saddest, most desperate men you'll ever meet. absolute bottom of the barrel, lmao.

Anonymous 114070

I might be doing this with my bpd bf. The clinginess and instability is cute for now.
But he also likes that I'm autistic and fucked up so it's okay.

Anonymous 114137

no girl run!

Anonymous 114138

You're upset that men like you?
Would you rather they all hate you then?

Anonymous 114139

why would you want to be liked for something that causes you a lot of pain to live with? usually the things people fetishize about bpd are not exactly accurate either or are very small parts of the disorder. when i see this i don’t feel “liked”, if anything i feel misunderstood

Anonymous 114140

So you want men to hate you and make you feel bad about it?

Anonymous 114141

Fetishizing isn't 'like'

Anonymous 114143

Because you don't want to get better, and that makes you prey to men. It isn't fucking rocket science.

Anonymous 114144


i'd had guys go from treating me like a person to suddenly treating me like a child or an actual retard once they learn i'm autistic, some seemed to really be into the idea that i didn't understand social niceities and wanted to "protect" me, moids get so hard over the idea of a child brain in a woman's body

Anonymous 114145

why do you care what moids think about you?

Anonymous 114147

a girl with bpd almost ruined my best friends life, i dont think there are guys that have sympathy for bpd

Anonymous 114173

>fetishized by guys for it
Damn I fucking wish. Maybe online but that means absolutely jackshit. Irl, it’s hell. My coworkers know all these inside jokes and are so close with one another. Meanwhile, around me it’s awkward as fuck even when I try to chime in. I fucking hate normies.

Anonymous 114177

where in my post did i say that i cared?

Anonymous 114217

I have autism, i don't get fetishized, the opposite actually, males use me to get attention and feel better about themselves, i'm disposable once they get the girl they want. You know you're truly undesirable when even autistic men feel disgusted by your presence.

Both are dehumanizing, i wouldn't want to be fetishized either honestly. I want to get treated like a person.

Anonymous 114277


You have never played Pop'n Music. You have no rhythm, you have no timing, you have no skill that could ever compare to a Pop'n player. You are a casual gamer deluded by the idea of mastering something far beyond your reach.

All the "support" you get is empty and insincere. Behind your back, people snicker. Your friends mock your attempts; even your gaming buddies laugh at your incompetence when you're not around.

Pop'n Music players are utterly repulsed by your lack of skill. Years of dedication have allowed them to spot a novice from a mile away. Even those who try to help you out of kindness will quickly lose patience once they see your hopeless lack of progress.

You will never be good at Pop'n Music. You force a determined smile every time you play and tell yourself you’re getting better, but deep inside, you know the frustration is building, ready to crush you under its weight.

Eventually, it’ll be too much to bear – you’ll visit an arcade, try to play a challenging song, and be swiftly reminded of your inadequacies, realizing your dreams were just fantasies. You’ll go home, defeated, and give up on Pop'n Music altogether.

Your friends will find you, saddened but relieved that they no longer have to deal with your constant complaints and failures. They’ll continue playing, remembering your attempts as a cautionary tale. Your controller will gather dust, and your gaming aspirations will fade, leaving only the memory of your futile efforts.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

Anonymous 114301

Yeah, it’s happened with an ex of mine. He used to send me memes of that weird 4chan “aspie” girl meme in romantic connotations all the time saying “this is us” and it would make me cringe. Sux for him, turns out me having autism doesn’t just make me really excited about dinosaurs and video games, it also neuters my ability to feel romantic and makes me hate being touched, makes me hate certain foods, makes me sensitive to noise, plus all the other fun negatives and suddenly he finds it not so cute anymore! Shocker, the disability is actually a burden and not sexy!

Anonymous 114312

Are you serious? Back in the day, FetLife used to have entire threads where men would list girls they knew with BPD so that other men could get them into D/s relationships easily and take advantage of them and then dump them. The fetishization has changed over the years (like OP said, it's now the MPDG fantasy), but it's always been there.

Anonymous 114314

That's fucking disgusting but not remotely surprising.

Anonymous 114315

Sorry meant for:


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