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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Maybe joking Anonymous 114195

How to kill an adult man as a female teenager or at the very least defend ya self. Also pimple how to get rid of them

Anonymous 114197

Use retinol and lose weight

>kill a man

It’s a waste of time and money

Anonymous 114200

1. With a gun. Or get another man to do it for you
2. Eliminate sugars and hormonally laden milk from your diet

Anonymous 114203

Get some benzoyl peroxide and follow the directions well, also get a moisturizer and always, always wear sunscreen when you use benzoyl peroxide (or retinol like anon suggested) because it makes your skin more sensitive to the sun. And be careful with clothes, it can bleach fabric.

Anonymous 114207

Tell your family/police he raped you.

Anonymous 114209

They won't believe it

Anonymous 114210

What's happening nona, why do you need to defend yourself? Did he actually?

Anonymous 114249

>implying cops ever believe rape accusations

Anonymous 114305


Anonymous 114422

kill a man? Like in a straight up fight? If you dont have a gun youre not gonna win
though if you can be sneaky maybe from up and behind you just creep up on him and literally stab him in the back
(in case you actually murder somebody: I only answered the question as a hypothetical thought experiment, i never would have supported or helped a person kill another human under any circumstances. This is simply a free discussion taking place, similar to how you wouldnt get imprisoned for discussing on how you could defeat mike tyson)

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