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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Stupid tard rant Anonymous 114310

dude i finally saved up enough money to go and buy concert tickets online and obviously since i havent had money for a while i try to find the cheapest tickets but bc im a SPAZ i forgot that some things are too good to be true and i bought tickets on vividseats like an idiot and now im going to puke bc i probably got escamed and im screwed,, wish i wasnt so retarded and didnt just beleive everything i see

Anonymous 114317

If it is a scam, you can dispute it through your bank. Call them and say it was a fraudulent charge.

Anonymous 114328

yea but i can probably only do that once the concert happened/right before, and by then cant get another ticket, but i will be getting my money back 😋😋 thank yew lob yew

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