vent Anonymous 114405
Today my abuser won. He used the things I said in anger in one of my mental breakdown against me. All of his friends and family refuse to hear what I have to say and paint me as the toxic one even if I proof worth of 3 years of him sending me death threats, suicide threats, verbal abuse, mentally agonizing stuff, etc. I used to receive gore by him on daily basis if he was mad, he made fun of my childhood abuse saying what my mother did to 5 year old me was deserved, called me a whore/slut on daily basis, sent me self harm if I even tried leaving. There's just so much I can say that happened to me while being with him that pushed me to almost attempting suicide, living in social isolation, months of missing school because of depression. Just one slip up because I was fed up with him made me lose all my credibility. The world is too cruel and I don't have energy to fight every lie he throws in my way because I've already lost all the energy in this relationship. I can't even defend myself when his lies make people point fingers at me because I'm just too tired of it all. I hope karma gets him but in this unfair world, karma rarely affects those who are bad.
Anonymous 114407
>>114405I swore to myself when I was little that I'd never allow myself to be victim again when I'm older but here I am. This fact hurts me the most
Anonymous 114411
>>114405Cut him out of your life completely, leave no strings attached. Those aren't true friends if they turn on you like that. Read "Why does he do that"
Anonymous 114412
>>114405>I like, totally have years worth of evidence that proves he was abusing me and sending me threats and gore and all kinds of other things!>but I can't use them because… I just can't ok! Sounds like you're full of shit. If you've got proof then just shove in people's faces and force them to see it. If you can't do that I can only assume you don't actually have any proof, and are probably making all of it up and came running to this website to tell your own 1 sided biased version of the story and get sympathy and attention.
Anonymous 114419
Look, its too stressful and a waste of energy to compile screenshots and try to build a case for yourself. Sometimes it is easier to accept, and then take control yourself. Fuck him, fuck your friends, fuck your family. You have yourself, and you are the only one who will fight for you. Get up, leave him, leave them all, and build your life for you. New friends will follow. Fuck them all.
Anonymous 114427

Just getting tired of everyone picking on me.
Anonymous 114431

>>114412It's a ldr so people would rather take his side than someone they don't even know. He has a history of perfectly curating his personality to others cus even his mother couldn't believe he could ever do what I described (it's when I started scraping proof), he told her lies like I made it up or it's not as serious so I started saving proofs to plead my case. Now he's spreading lies like I'm vengeful crazy gf so people wouldn't even bother reading what I say and automatically block me. His bestfriend even bought I edited these when I literally had to go extra mile to record my screen with my phone as proof of no edits. All he does is he shows others screenshot of my mental breakdown where I was threatening to post these stuff cus I was fed up. It's extremely hard to fight against the doubters since it's too painful, he's not even empathic enough to stop lying for my mental sake and I am too mentally eroded by this to fight my battles alone.
Anonymous 114439
>>114434society would be cleansed without sociopathic redditor faggots like you
>>114431nona. stop talking to him, stop communication with his friends, block him everywhere. you will feel so much better. it doesn't matter what they think of you bc they're retards and it's a lost cause anyway. loneliness will be better than having to listen to this identity masking psycho and his bullshit. trust me. accept the loss and move on. you'll find better people to hang out with
Anonymous 114457
>Ugly people bad and abusive
>Pretty people good and nice
Where have I heard this before…
Anonymous 114464
>>114457Wait, you do realise I'm a different poster, right?
Anonymous 114466
>>114457lol. based on your behaviour its accurate. all stacies and chads i know have been good people