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Anonymous 114603

>24 years old
>Never had a bf
>Spent most of my youth either watching Netflix or playing video games
>Kissless virgin
>Shut in NEET

Should i feel ashamed about myself? I am not the best looking girl in existence, but I've had at least 5 boys approach me before with the intent to start a relationship with me, but i rejected every single one cause they were either ugly or i felt like i wasn't ready and i feel nervous around the opposite gender.

To make matters worse, I've cut almost all contact with my friends from high school / college..

Anyone else here who's stuck in a similar situation and feel like a total failure and loser? The worst part is how envious I feel about other women that has experienced all the things i would like to experience in life

Anonymous 114606

Because literally everyone my age except for me have experienced it and I actually long after the physical touch of a moid even though I dislike the majority of them

Anonymous 114608

the image you posted makes me think you're a moid, after reading your full post I'm now almost certain.

Anonymous 114610

Virginity is nothing to be ashamed of, sex with moids is really just boring and gross. There's a virginity thread as well if you're interested. >>>/feels/19173

Anonymous 114611

Anonymous 114623

On the off chance this isn't bait made by a moid, here goes:

>Should I feel ashamed about myself

It's up to you tbh. It sounds like you aren't happy with your life so you probably should try focus on exactly what you're dissatisfied with.

I don't think you actually care that you're a kissless virgin. There is external pressure all around you telling you how fun/interesting/enjoyable it is to have sex for the sake of it.

It's meh. I've been in your situation and I've been in a relationship and I've done various things society made me feel bad for avoiding and I've realised that what other people want is mostly irrelevant. I'm still polite, I'm still respectful, I'm still conscientious about the impact I have on the world… But I'm indifferent to what I think others think I should want… Does that make sense? I'm not going to live a particular way just because those who set the meta have said that's what "normal" people do.

One thing that got me past a huge hurdle was just studying propaganda and media - not through university but through reading analytical books on advertising, the news, and media. Reading Noam Chomsky in my early 20s was probably an important point in my development. After reading about a dozen books on the topic, I see it everywhere now whenever I interact with the current media landscape. People are being told how to want, and they don't even realise it. Here are some examples:

1. It's treated as axiomatic by my male coworkers that they all watch the football on a Friday night, or otherwise unwind by going out drinking if they're younger. This seems… bizarre to me. People can have such varied interests and personalities, yet each Friday there is a ritualistic experience where every man is expected, societally, to sit down and watch football (it is ok if they watch, say, basketball, cricket, baseball, MMA, or some other sport instead, the constant is sport on Friday while drinking beer). It's obvious the beer industry has played a huge part in making Friday night sport such a cultural phenomenon, at least in my country, because the two are perceived as inseparable. More generally, the weekend seems to be reserved for alcoholism; it's not acceptable to have a small glass of wine with lunch, but you can get blind drunk each Friday/Saturday night.

2. It's treated as axiomatic by all of my coworkers that I have a television on which I watch Netflix and aerial TV (or cable, or satellite, the constant is that I watch TV and I pay for it, either through subscriptions to services or I pay by watching adverts). About 80% of coworkers assume that 2 or more TVs is the standard. I have one TV, but what is socially egregious about my TV use is that I only hook it up to an old VHS/DVD player, or to my PS1. As a result I don't really watch it much, but I like the aesthetic of my little old CRT with Spirit on VHS beside it. My TV usage is egregious because I am essentially avoiding all advertising.

3. I don't have a smart phone, which means when I browse the internet, uBlock is preventing any ads from coming through. Because of my TV use, I don't see any adverts there either. I can go weeks without seeing an audio-visual ad (at most I'll see print advertising as litter on the street, or a bus-stop ad). Meanwhile old people proudly boast of all the ads they remember from their childhood.
When I eventually do visit friends, or relatives, and they have the TV on, I'm blown away by how much advertising is plastered on the screen. It feels dirty. Maybe it's gotten worse in the 4 years since I started this ad-free lifestyle, but I honestly never noticed how pervasive advertising was in my life. It is so universal that people treat advertising like a fact of nature, as though it is as ubiquitous as oxygen in the air.

4. People believe propaganda doesn't exist in Western societies, and that only Russia with le ebil Putin and the see see pee has propaganda.

Idk, maybe I'm trying to explain water to a fish, but you realise how dumb all this sex bullshit is. It's a human urge and all, but it's nowhere near as spectacular as media makes it seem. If anything, you should probably work on your NEETdom. Develop some skill/interest that you can actually be proud of.

Anonymous 114624

That sounds pretty normal really. Honestly I wish I would have waited til I was in my 20s to date and have sex because doing it younger just made me feel miserable and ashamed.

Anonymous 114641

I’m in a similar situation but I don’t feel bad about it. I’ve heard other women share their experiences with dating men and I really don’t think I’m missing out on anything.

Anonymous 114642

I'm in a weird situation where I've had more romantic/sexual encounters than someone of my mind and body should, each time was an attempt to feel something, to "get it" and understand why people seek these relationships out, but they only left me empty, and ironically made me feel like a bigger outcast than I was before. You aren't missing out on much, if you're happier on your own then be alone. My only advice would be to find something meaningful to do instead of wasting away in a NEETden.

Anonymous 114643

How do you not feel degraded and like a pig while having sex if you had it with moids?
And if someone is a virgin femcel mentally or literally then they probably don't wanna be a non femcel anyway and are incapable of being like other women mentally I'm a virgin and I couldn't be capable of being masochistic or submissive enough to have sex or pickme enough to get a moid even if I tried for years, it used to make me sad subconsciously but idgaf now seriously I just can't become like them, I can't even fulfill one expectation people have of you in relationships if you're a woman. You will never be a Stacy.

Anonymous 114652

>How do you not feel degraded and like a pig while having sex if you had it with moids?
By not being the submissive one in bed.
I'm not sure how you can admit that your worldview is the result of a constant stream of rejection and then expect anyone to believe that celibacy is an autonomous choice you're making to avoid being "submissive" to men. You're a pig whore in spirit, nona.

Anonymous 114654

Didn't add that I would have to have less self respect and accept humiliation. Lmao you're so fucking mad Holy shit

Anonymous 114655

Kek I'm "mad" enough to make you double-post for clarity, please continue to reassure me that you are not are NOT a SUBMISSIVE PIG WHORE.
>Lol not lmao I was never rejected neither wanted to date
You have a me vs. them mentality, social rejection is still rejection. This stacy/becky dichotomy is only found in one other group: incels and bottom of the hierarchy losers. Everything you've written reeks of a reject trying to convince themselves that their philosophy isn't a trauma response.

Anonymous 114656

Oh, welcome back, cocksucker-pig chan!

Anonymous 114659

Lol your mentality "I'm a submissive whore so I will accuse you of it cause I feel humiliated"
I posted twice cause when I clicked post I thought the post didnt go through then I decided to add something more I forgot to add but was too lazy to delete it
You literally exposed yourself, by femcel I mean a volcel I just like to make fun of it. I don't mind being this way, I never had male friends ir sought male attention or wanted to attempt it all of my isolation was self choosen. I was half joking about the stacy thing retard cause I think its funny, I wouldn't wanna be a "Stacy" I literally dont mind lifelong celibacy etc.
And I said I was sad subconsciously but I hasn't been rejected neither attempted to date or would go along with it if someone hit on me, it happened a few times and I literally ignored it.
Just how fucking high is your body count that you need to cope this much?
Do you understand that every woman can have sex? I'm just not built mentally to go through with it and be a pig, I'm literally not submissive I would never allow a male this close, it would piss me off, when I see males I see a predator and have self preservation, I wouldn't accept any man cause they would enrageme with every little thing. I have too much pride and dont like being controlled or humiliated in any way

Anonymous 114779

Fret not, there is someone somewhere (probably) who will embrace you as you come, tooth and nail and all that vitriol, shards of glass and broken dreams will smush together, and you'll collapse like a dying star.

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