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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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I need advice Anonymous 114667

I don’t know where to go or who to talk to about this, since I should feel lucky. I got married and when I was engaged I was happy, but the day after the marriage it seemed like he stopped loving me. We never hang out, we never talk, we never sleep together. Everytime he sees me cry he either laughs or rolls his eyes. When we were dating he was really sweet to me, I don’t know what I did wrong. What can I do?
Pic unrelated

Anonymous 114671

kill him

Anonymous 114672

kill him

Anonymous 114673

he was playing the long game. don't be obvious pretend everything is fine and cheat on him. when he talks about his problems remain disinterested you've been scammed and nows your chance for revenge.

Anonymous 114675

I think it depends if you want to salvage the relationship or not. Perhaps he thinks that he hit the relationship 'goal' of getting married, that his active part is over, and that somehow, because he reached that 'goal' there's no more work to be done. He also could not be thinking entirely. It depends on what you're comfortable with, but you could make a list of concerns and the various behavior changes, and actually sit down to have a long conversation about your future together and expectations in the marriage. Open communication is the best approach is both parties are acting above board. There's likely something underlying this, and you have to decide for yourself if you want to both put in work to have a happy marriage. Good luck nona!

Anonymous 114691

kill him

Anonymous 114701

The only sensible post here.

Anonymous 114702

Good answer to a fake post.

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