Loneliness Anonymous 114684
I'm 18 years old and this is my first time on Crystal Cafe. I currently have no friends in person and barely any friends online. I feel very lonely and unmotivated to do anything. I live with my dad only and we never spend quality time. He's always on his phone even when I try to spend time with him and we never had a good relationship anyways. My mom lives in another country and she never tries to genuinely try to talk and connect with me
Anonymous 114688
sucks to be you i guess
Anonymous 114706
>>114684Go to college and get the hell out of there.
Anonymous 114715
leave image boards and never look back
Anonymous 114739
>>114684True. Loneliness can suck sometimes, and it can feel like you're missing something important. Friendship is kinda like happiness though; you don't get happy looking for happiness, and you don't get friendship looking for friends. You just kinda go about life and do things that you think are important, and gradually people will be drawn to you. You're a good person and I'm sure there are plenty of great qualities to like about you, but no one's going to be able to see that if you're just seeking friends. I'm not trying to say that's what you're currently doing, you're probably just pointing out that you're lonely and it sucks. It does suck; it sucks away your motivation. You've just gotta make little goals for yourself. Go on walks during the day. Find a job. Read a book. Something other than rotting away here. Best of luck nona
Anonymous 115448

Why not try joining any online communities? Look for some discord servers related to your interests, I recommend the ones with around 50 members or less if you find it difficult to get into conversations with lots of people you don't know.
>no friends in person
Have any plans for the future? Interested in taking any sort of classes or picking up some hobby? If so, that's another way to meet people and make friends.
Sorry, this is kind of pretty standard advice but it really is the best way to meet people and make friends.
Try to invest time in those things you wanna do or have been meaning to. For those things you get really into, try to set little goals for yourself related to said activity, and use them as motivation. Wanna read more books? Make a goal of reading a new book each week. Wanna try drawing? Make sure to find some time during the day where you focus only on drawing. I think you get the idea.
And lastly, make sure to go outside every once in a while, better if you can do it every day. Take a walk, relax in a nice spot, take pictures of things you like or do whatever else if you are able to do so safely, I know some places aren't the best for talking a walk.