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Am I autistic? Anonymous 114719

I’ve been hanging out with my friends for the past two days, and the entire time they’ve been insulting me. They’ll call me autistic and insane and then turn around and claim they’re autistic and just ‘joking’. It really pisses me off- especially because I’m just being myself. How come they can make jokes amongst themselves and I’m not allowed to? I want to be normal, I want to fit in. How come they’re so mean to me? I feel horrible.

Anonymous 114720

Friend groups (especially female friend groups) have hierarchies and sometimes you're on the bottom, add a multiplier if you're autistic or go against the status quo. It's human nature. Find new friends.

Anonymous 114721

I want to find new friends. My family calls me normal but I honestly think I am the furthest from it. I don’t live in an area where it’s easy to make friends, especially with the hierarchy going on.

Anonymous 114737

why do they call you autistic? unless you fit the diagnostic criteria you aren't.

Anonymous 114740

No idea. I’ve got severe ADHD and I get hyper, if that might be what they’re referring to. It’s annoying. They have no understanding of what autism actually is. They make fun of my brother for being autistic.

Anonymous 114741

What the fuck I would not tolerate anyone saying shit about my siblings.

They don't sounds like great friends, true friends wouldn't look down on you. Can I ask how old you/your friends are?

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