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why am i a monster? Anonymous 114884

i have a habit of going online and trying to identify anons based on the posts they make. ive also stalked random people from discord servers and logged basically any info i could from them, ive hacked into people's personal accounts through password breaches and phishing links, larped as other people to get close to them, and have even gone so far as to stalk their friends and family.
i take whatever information i can get from them, their insecurities, their personal trauma, and i go on any possible platform i can reach them with and humiliate them with that information. i actively enjoy distressing others, causing them mental grief and poisoning their mental health.
why am i a monster, psychologically speaking? what can be done to get rid of people like me?

Anonymous 114892

Seek Islam

Anonymous 114897

that will make it worse

Anonymous 114940

Oh man, are you me? I used to be just like you, .

Just use monster logic to stop yourself from hurting others. Yes, ruining lives is fun, but it is a waste of time and it would destroy your life if anyone found out. Why not have fun doing things you could brag about instead?

Personally, I find that helping people in distress can feel as satisfying as causing distress.

Anonymous 115042

you sound like a 13 year old trying to be edgy, stfu and pick up a hobby like a normalfag

Anonymous 115043

Anonymous 115058

what did he mean by this

Anonymous 115063


its because you won't get laid

Anonymous 115073

I think you need the kind of help the cafe can't exactly give.

Anonymous 115094


Imagine if the people you harassed were here in this thread mocking you right now

Anonymous 115095

i don't really have hobbies. i think the only hobby i really have is trolling and trying to get a reaction from other people. im a pretty lonely person, objectively speaking.

Anonymous 115110


Try taking up a hobby that involves people, maybe then you'll find a friend or something and stop doing that shit.

Anonymous 115590

that sounds really fun, i do a milder version of that. it doesn’t make you a monster. they are just stupid for not anonymously using the internet

Anonymous 115593

That sounds fun. I basically do the opposite and create a bunch of burner emails tied to different accounts. I use them to larp as different personas and make people upset with really bizarre opinions. I could have said ragebait and outed myself as a person in political-ish circles who cares about xitter takes and outrage porn. Now I probably sound like a redditor.

Especially if I space things out like this. Word choice and formatting is everything tho u could even be a disgusting zoomer w the right presentation.

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