Should I let him hit? Anonymous 114978
There is this guy in my class that’s been asking me for sex for about a year now I kept rejecting him but he insists now that we’re almost graduating pretty sure I’ll never see him again and it makes me kind of bad that he didn’t get to taste me despite desperately trying to? maybe I should give a goodbye chance?
Anonymous 114983
If you don't have any self respect, then go ahead.
Anonymous 114987
Don't do it, it's a bad idea.
Anonymous 114990
Never do anything you don't want to unless it's actually necessary especially for a male
Anonymous 114992
>>114987Why not
Let her stripe the virginity outta em
Anonymous 114993
Please don't. You'll regret doing it more than you'll regret not doing it
Anonymous 114994
>>114978Unless he's a complete creep it sounds like a win-win situation to me or maybe I'm just horny because no one is hitting on me anymore :(
Anonymous 115000
>>114992He might become too clingy afterwards, besides, maybe he's not even a virgin or OP doesn't care about that if he actually is.
Anonymous 115017
>>114978Wish I would have someone ask me something like that ):
Anonymous 115018

>>114978Yes but wait until next april fools to do so, and do it while wearing one of these
Anonymous 115062
This is a retarded post