Anonymous 115005
All men say they want a woman with a bad head, suicidal, mental disorders until they have one. At first they think things like "I can save her", "I want to help her", "I want her to need me" but they hit the wall of reality, when the woman call because she cuts herlsef they find it scary and terrifing.
i meet a lot of men like this,claiming they can "save" me until they meet my real one,that one who is suicidal,had low self steem and was abused as a child.
Anonymous 115006
I feel you. It was tough, but I've recently come to the conclusion that moids with savior complexes just see mentally ill women as fetish material, just like how they view everything a woman does. I used to fall for it all the time, they always sounded so genuine when they talked about wanting to help me and wishing how they could save me, it made me feel so heard. They always slip up, though. They always show their true colors one way or another.
Anonymous 115015
>>115005don't go after the ones who think you need saving. Find yourself someone who embraces that side of you, doesn't really mind it and/or likes it. That kind of person probably carries some baggage of their own though, so..
Anonymous 115020
>>115006>They always slip up, though. They always show their true colors one way or another.can you provide examples?
Anonymous 115025
>>115005So why do gOOood girls like bad guuuys?
I had this question for a real long time
I've been a BAD BOY and it's plain to see..
Anonymous 115038
Or they find ur self-harm hot. Makes me sick
Anonymous 115306
As others noted, it could be yet another depraved fetish moids have. Moids are fundamentally lazy, and get turned off of wanting to help when there's actual work/caring involved. Like how moids want to impregnate or "spread their seed", but think caring for the small child they helped create is "women's work".
Plus, moids want a woman who's feeling vulnerable, so that they can break down and remold a woman to become who he wants her to become, like in a cult. The amount of control a moid has over a woman he "helped" is unparalleled. Imagine if a woman tries to leave a moid who "saved" her from addiction, etc? The guilt trips, the "you owe me" mentality, the "how could she leave him?" from every person in their families and friends, coworkers, etc.
The ego boost of being her only source of strength in ending addiction or whatever would be enormous. The moid can basically say he created her, he owns her, if he becomes her pillar of strength. She should still leave him if he's abusive tho, just saying.
Anonymous 115308

>>115306You basically described society
Food for thought
Stay away from moids
Unless they are Keanu Reeves
Anonymous 115336
>>115005>All men say they want a woman with a bad head, suicidal, mental disordersWho the fuck says that?
Anonymous 115338
>>115336Lazy losers that want to manipulate vulnerable women. Guys who want a mentally ill girl are too lazy to build the trust it takes to be depended on by a woman that loves herself, and instead they want someone who will be dependent immediately. These guys enjoy the brief high of being a girls lifeline until they get lazy/tired of it, then it’s the girls fault for being needy/mentally ill/ gross. Men like these are predators. If you date a guy who finds your mental health issues attractive, they want to OWN you. If you want a man in general, look for someone who’s patient.