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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Feeling lonely 115125

Lately I've feeling so lonely, in all my life I've never felt this way, I'm a typical introvert, but lately I feel like I need friends, men's always gross me out thinking about sex and weird shit, I need to be nice so people will like me.

Anonymous 115127

Join an book club or art group in your local library

Anonymous 115130

I just joined a university book club. I didn't go there, I just signed up on their community page and made some normal friends who like to read.

Anonymous 115297

My only 2 best friends/sources of unconditional love (pets) died of cancer not long ago. Ever since they died, I never realized how lonely I am without them. They valued me, and I sure value them.

I only have my mom who favors my brother to talk with, which Im grateful for but still hurts when Im reminded Im the scapegoat for not being born male.

All my peers are married/have children. My pathetic self has never even been on a date and Im too socially awkward to make friends. I dont even know what I want to do as a career either. I never wanted to be this pathetic when I grew up.

Anonymous 115303

Correction, last post should read, before they died I never realized how lonely I would be in the future without them

Anonymous 115363

if you have siblings maybe you can hang out with them and their friends. hanging out with your cousins works too

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