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Anonymous 115451

i am obsessed with my bf, just looking at him brings very much joy. but here is the issue, i am very depending on him, cant do much on my own and my mood changes based on his mood. im clingy, overly hugging/kissing. idk i just fear that he losses intrest in me and thrn im alone. he is my first kiss and sex so it would be very damaging mentally if he left or so. he swears he doesn't but still i think of this. since we statted dating we have spend almost 24/7 with each others.

Anonymous 115452

For some relationships a dynamic like this works out, but it's not healthy. You should have hobbies and interests you can keep yourself busy with alone. There's so much you can do in life, you could make great things just by dedicating yourself to a meaningful hobby. But it doesn't even have to be something with a deeper meaning really, just have something that gives you joy outside of the relationship. Also make sure to still spend time with friends and family if you have the possibility.
You don't have to drastically reduce the time you're spending with him for now (or at all if you don't want to), just make sure that whenever you are on your own you'll have something you can do, something that brings you joy. Or maybe you can even pick up a hobby that involves crafting something and you can make stuff for him? Just make sure you're not an empty shell of a human being without him.
Maybe work on why you don't want to be alone too. And be careful, you're giving him a lot of power over you but I assume you already know that and if that's what works out for you I'm not going to tell you to stop. Take care nona.

Anonymous 115691>>115820

Same. I don’t think it’s a bad thing though as long as he’s as loyal and committed as you are. Not sure what I would do if my boyfriend left me. Probably fall apart lmao

Anonymous 115820

It‘s not bad until things go wrong. But I haven’t found a solution for it either

Anonymous 115946

If he's your first and you feel this way about him, try to keep him. The first one always has the potential to be something special. Just make sure that he truly loves you too and isn't just taking advantage.

Anonymous 115952

Why is this so relatable..
I think I’d just stay alone forever if my moid ever left but he’s not even usually nice to me.

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