
Anonymous 115552
am i the only one here who has literally never been approached/hit on by a male? i’m 19 and i’m not overweight or anything, i guess i’m not particularly pretty but i wouldn’t say im hideous either. i see all these moids online talking about how women live on easy mode because they get compliments from random men every day and men are willing to do any favor for them to have a chance at getting pussy etc. but for me this has never happened in my entire life.
Anonymous 115553
>>115552Why don't you start approaching and hitting on men?
Anonymous 115556

Me too nona, I am normal looking lass. I get validation from the internet and am fairly offputting looking IRL but not repulsive and have never been hit on IRL, never dated not even in middle school. tbf, not really any of the women I know have, or at least regularly do, but it has quite literally never happened to me despite not being repulsive.
>>115553I have done this quite a few times and been semi-successful in talking to them, however, they seem to think of it as something they can hold above you.
Anonymous 115557

>>>>115552>>115556The only reason i could think of is that you look/dress average, and don't stand out? It seems that if men are going to make the risk of cold approaching, someone who is more pretty than average, or has a unique look that catches their attention becomes their target. I'm coming at this concluison from both the perspective of I guess a more "unique" style, and as someone who is attracted to women. My attention is always enraptured by the women who stand out, even if they are not "conventionally" pretty. If you see a bunch of books laid out on a table with simillar covers, except for one, wouldn't you be more likely to pick up the unique looking one? I guess it's a mix of both appearing aproachable (whatever that really means) and catching someone's attention in the first place that makes them want to come up to you. Try a new hairstyle or something, but also dont live off the attention of moids its pathetic.
Anonymous 115561

>>115557Unfortunately for me I have been dressing gothic for like 5 years (not normal in my area) which means that this should work AND i should get e girl and manic pixie dream girl chasers (bottom of the barrel moids i want nothing to do with but still), i think it might be because i look really disgusted at people all the time
Anonymous 115562
Unironically wear a "I'm single, please hit on me." shirt. Men these days need lots of direction or they'll get too scared.
Anonymous 115563
I only get hit on by other females lol sadly, its weird because online men pursue me, but in real life its only females (im straight)
Anonymous 115565
>>115552There might be a difference on where you live, from what I've seen online it's more normal for men to approach women casually in the US. What lots of people online don't get is that it doesn't really work the same way in other countries or at least not in European ones. Personally I live in a more rural area in Europe and the only people who hit on me are drunk guys at clubs but it's not really the type of person you want to have in your life and they hit on every other girl there either way. I only really got into guys being serious about wanting to get to know me type of situations when it was me meeting friends of friends, at uni when everyone started to get to know each other and granted one time a guy held the door open for me and we exchanged contacts when we met again. But the typical approaching like moids/movies portrait it online doesn't really happen around here. So don't feel bummed out if it doesn't happen to you. Especially if you don't go to uni the chances are kinda limited.
Anonymous 115570
>>115552Don't take it personally, guys are no longer as proactive as they used to be
Anonymous 115576
Varies per area/community, casually approaching women/catcalling like you've read about online definitely isn't common everywhere. Also depends on how much you actually put yourself into situations where you can be approached in the first place, of course.
Anonymous 115579
Idk guys will call me hun and sweetheart or just be nice. Like hold open doors and stuff. But I’ve had a handful of guys who were very forward about it. Maybe a one or two who were subtle about it. Maybe guys just aren’t very like forward so their not like off putting
Anonymous 115580

I think I've said it before but my turbo spergery tends to ward men off like I have this great barrier around me, I get harassed from time to time, it happens occasionally but far less than it should, I think some men are legitimately scared of my aura
Anonymous 115595
you have to understand that men only percieve women they think are hot. ugly women don't exist. they don't think about the issues and lives of women they don't find attractive, which is hwy they day that shit. The only women who experience free things for their looks and live on "easy mode" are the 10/10s, who actualy live their lives being harrassed and sexualized at their every movement
Anonymous 115600
>>115552Don't listen to the moids, nona. "women have life on le ez mode!!" Is no more than a very sad, pathetic cope from moids trying to make themselves feel better and make themselves look like the victim and justify why they have such shitty attitude that makes no one ever want to be near them.
I'm your same age, I've been told a few times that I'm pretty by others in a non-flirting manner yet I've never in my life been approached or hit on by anyone.
It's literal moid cope. A sad way of trying to look like a victim to gather pity points.
Anonymous 115608
>>115600> I've been told a few times that I'm pretty by others in a non-flirting mannerThey were just trying to make you feel better
Anonymous 115611
>>115608You're missing the context, there was no reason for them to have felt like they needed to make me feel better about anything.
if anything, I'd call myself average.
Anonymous 115614
>>115608gtfo if you're just here to bring women down
Anonymous 115690
I was in that boat at 19 as well. Not fat or ugly, blonde hair blue eyes. Went to college and had all of one guy nearly 10 years older than me try to make a move on me. Wasn’t till I was 21 that I went out of my way to find a guy off 4chan that was near me location wise and have been together since. It unironically just takes time. As long as you are actively working on yourself and looking for a relationship you should be able to find one.
Anonymous 115812

>>115552I was the same, then I went to study computer science at 20 and a few nerds actually approached me. It's not like men just compliment random women on the streets, the only time that has happened to me was when I had very brightly coloured hair and lived in a small town, and even then they were just some boomers at the supermarket saying "wow that's your natural colour??? just kidding cool hair" and went on with their lives. Also cashiers regardless of gender kept complimenting my hair for some reason. Though cultural differences are a thing, this is just my experience in Northern Europe.
Anonymous 115817
>>115563Woah, wish that would happen to me
Anonymous 115895
>>115580Same i'm too autistic, i love when men get clearly uncomfortable by me, they regret hitting on me after a few days of talking kek
Anonymous 115920
>>115812Bet you have really cool hair nona
Anonymous 120295
>>115552Exact same. Gonna be 22 soon, still a virgin, never been approached, every guy I approached in school was repulsed by me. As awful as catcalling is and it shouldn't happen, I've never experienced it.
I am fat though, so maybe I'd be living on le tutorial mode if I lost weight. Can't do much for my ugliness.
Anonymous 120303
Same with me. I'm 20, a virgin, and have only "e-dated" once. Never plan on doing that again.
I would say I'm relatively attractive, not absolutely beautiful or anything, but not ugly. Previous nonas have said that you might not stand out, but I do and still haven't been approached.
I have approached men, but come off as very autistic and I think it scares them away. I have had no success. I wouldn't consider myself a "femcel" but sometimes I really feel like one
Anonymous 120341
>>115552Men dont approach anymore, unless they are indians.
Anonymous 120358
>>120341This. Moids get socially destroyed or even locked up for approaching women who don't like it, so don't expect them to do this anymore