Does Anybody Else Have a High Sex Drive After Work? Anonymous 115629
Warning: Sexual Discussion.
I work as a cashier and I see a lot of people. They can be pretty rude to me sometimes. When I get SUPER bored I have a lot of fantasies. A lot of them are pretty aggressive, biting and chocking, you know. But yeah standing around for a bunch of hours just makes me feel so pent up. And it’s not even like I have a partner to help me with it (lmao why would somebody with a partner even be on this site??)
God it’s even worse because there’s this cute coworker I have. He’s got that Jack Quaid prey animal guy energy. And I have to just play it cool, and try to slowly get close to him(icebreaker questions, small talk, you know the drill)
So yeah does anybody else feel aggressive and horny at the end of the shift? Or am I just a little fuck up?
Anonymous 115647
fuuuCUUUCKK I just deleted my original post
anyways I meant to say the concept of a wolf in sheep's clothing is interesting. people want to be more dark and ideologically perverse than those they perceive to be "normies" or NPCs
also I didn't read your post
Anonymous 115655
>>115647Aren't you just so high strung over "the wolf" in yourself, you cant understand how anybody who isn't puritanical can have self control? Some people don't need to be ocd maniacs to live peaceful lives/ not become sex offenders. Its not like its that damn hard. If you take offense to people's quirks and honesty it just sounds like its you. And if you take offense to angry people who endured your abuse for oh my god "becoming unpredictable wolves" you need to get back on your god damn meds.
Anonymous 115656
>>115655kek wtf are you talking about
i was introduced to the idea from a comment on a video i was watching about a dude who watched people while they were sleeping. people like being morally divergent in secret, i just thought it was interesting. this is something observable in all types of people ya silly goose
Anonymous 115661
>>115656"Normies" can be some of the most divergent people you know. I mean look at Christopher Lee Watts. Appearing normal isn't a sign someone isn't disturbed. Some of the most unhinged people i ever knew fit in pretty well in society. Jeffrey Dahmer was sociable and charismatic so how in christ
Anonymous 115662
More than anything though… I don't understand how people have a hard time NOT being huge transgressors. I mean murder, molestation, pedophilia are too heavy of a thing to live with (unless we're axing pedophiles lmao) I don't know how secretly morally divergent people who commit crimes think they can get away with it. More than anything these are just egotistical moids who've never had an off button for any of their behavior because everyone in their lives looked the other way. But holy f you can tell when you're in the presence of someone like that by all the ways they coerce people to congratulate their bravado/persona and act entitled from it to looking down especially at women. You can tell by how they treat women, trash women in subtle ignorable ways. Like trying to impose their morals and opinions on you to test how much they can coerce you. Men are fucking SNEAKY its like everything they do is a lie to get inside your pants or be in control of whatever situation/ place their in.
Men just fucking suck stay the f away from them.
Anonymous 115664

Hi! This is OP here. I just wanted to clarify some things.
- I kind of wrote the original post in the heat of the moment. I would never actually do anything nonconsensual with anyone, even if they do piss me off.
- A lot of you were talking about how men will often be deceptive and I just wanted to say that I’m a woman. I’ve just never had anybody else to compare experiences with intrusive thoughts with.
- The Original point of the post was to ask if anybody had a high sex drive during or after work. But I definitely got carried away with the “wolf in sheep’s clothing” motif. I do think the other discussions are pretty cool and interesting though.
Sorry about the confusion!
Anonymous 115668
>>115629As long as its consensual and you aren't actually being predatory, ENJOY
Anonymous 115669
>>115667I mean i genuinely believe this to my core. I am not the kind of person to pick on or target weak people, but its no service to yourself to not have claws as a woman. I don't think that means being predatory though. Like you should know how to be for your own good, but actually being predatory is only going to make your life unneccessarily complicated and i get having thoughts like that. I say all this because you mentioned someone being like a prey animal.
I'm not sure what that means
Anonymous 115686
>>115661maybe it’s a type of compartmentalization. i can’t remember what serial killer i’m thinking of but there was a dude that lived a double life as a killer and a wholesome, normal dude with a family. psychologists explained that he used compartmentalization to deal with the conflicting personalities
>>115668i think some people just do not understand what consent is in the first place and impose their weird ass kinks onto others.
Anonymous 115961
im very confused about the direction of this thread. OP posted looking for help controlling and lowering her needs and you all replied to her about serial killers and rapists and called her an edgelord. where is the relevance??!
Anonymous 115964

Yes this happens to me too. I find exercise ( jogging) or finding something else to do immediately after work like playing an intramural sport or walking in the park after work greatly helps in reducing these feelings and desires. I also don’t like to stop and sit at home for too long until its night time and i need to get ready for bed or its unsafe to go out. Sometimes i dont even want to exercise but i take my book outside and sit and read. It is exhausting being single and lonely and having unmet sexual needs but life is short and you might as well distract yourself from the pain of having unremitted sexual thoughts and feelings before you’re no longer here than continue to stew in the pain with unhealthy habits, making the hours and days feel longer. constantly moving from place to place helps you forget a bit about your situation.