
Does anyone feel too old at 26? Anonymous 115701
I feel old and I don't have a place anywhere in the world. I'm a loser who hasn't done anything in my life. Am I crazy, or is this a common thing that people feel at this age?
Anonymous 115702

>>115701People have gotten progressively more immature this generation, a lot of people aren't moved out or finished with school by 26 these days. There's just a general aimless sense of nihilism and hopeless among a lot of people in our generation I've observed; that's why so many of us are working dead end jobs and have no idea what we really want to be.
Anonymous 115703
I'm a 25 year old about to be 26 on a few months. Still in uni and no driver's license living with parents. But I am working up to improve myself & got a part time job. Just hoping to get over my anxiety on getting my license. You got this. Just start with tiny steps.
Anonymous 115715
>>115701Granted I'm a few years younger but I usually comfort myself by thinking about how my 80 y/o me would still consider me young. There's still so many things you can do and reach, don't worry about it. Just make sure you actually do stuff. And never convince yourself that it's too late to start something. It's not.
Anonymous 115717
>>115701It's weird I feel old and young at the same time but I think it's because in modern times it takes much longer to get started
Anonymous 115719
>>115701I'm also 26. Not sure if it's related to me going to therapy now but recently my outlook is starting to change from "Help I'm 26, I've wasted my life, it's over for me I will die alone and unhappy" to "I'm only 26, I got more than half of my life still ahead of me, what a great time to be alive"
Anonymous 115720
I feel like I don't act my age. I feel as if I am still 19, mentally. Idk if that makes sense.
Anonymous 115732

also 26, and yes, yes i do. I hate it.
Anonymous 115772
I'm 27 and I don't care. I'm still a baby in my head.
Anonymous 115773
Yes everyday
I went to get a facial and the girl said holy shit when I told her I was 27.
Anonymous 115778
>>115773People think I'm in highschool at my job and I'm almost 27
Anonymous 115779
>>115772I feel like a teenager and I don't think I act anything like an adult.
Anonymous 115792
>>115778It’s like a compliment but also a sleep in the face. Like you will only be seen this way until you begin to age
Anonymous 115801
No. I feel no different at 26 than I did at 18.
>don't have a place anywhere in the world.
You should do some self introspection and find out what you like and don't like. Personally I'm into tabletop games and host DND sessions for my friends and am also community oriented, mainly I tutor kids but also volunteer for river cleanups. It's never too late to change your life, you just have to sit with yourself and figure out what you like to do and then act on it. A lot of it is trial and error.
Anonymous 115810
>>115801>its never too late to change your lifeyeah but how? i am stuck in a loop of wanting to improve but not going out or having a social life. there is always some voice in my head that tells me i’m not ready for that yet.
Anonymous 115811
>>115810Getting out of a loop is difficult. Is there a small change you can make that you can think of that you can start with, something that's easy and low pressure to get the ball rolling? You don't have to go from 0 to 100 in a day.
Anonymous 115813

I don’t feel too old, I welcome aging. What bothers me is that it still takes so long until the end. Sometimes I just really want off this ride. I had good times but it’s all so painful and tiring
Anonymous 115974
>>115720how old are you really. I'm 24 and I've felt like this for a little while. At the same time I sort of feel like I'm just waiting around to die.
Kind of sucks that my friend and my therapist both leave the country at the same time.
Anonymous 116014

>>115701The problem isn’t age. I had an awful childhood. And my generation could be way more abundant and powerful, the world must improve.
Also reminder that the Wixi entirely profited from “the stock market crash”
Anonymous 116015

>if this is what life is It’s not.
Reminder that 20,000 kids just got murdered in Philistina
>>116014To add,
And when I talk about my generation being more powerful and abundant, I’m talking about my entire world being more powerful and abundant. The soulful people. We are the world. The others are merely death to us. My people are perfect, the eternal love, all my true attention. And the awareness that we have been resisted, really clarifies things.
In my city in “America” there’s an extreme lack of community centers. They don’t want us to talk. Y’all saw what happened to 4chan. Notice the difference between vibe collectives or energy collectives or soul collectives. Some soulless wad people have been stealing housing, jobs, and really ruining everything. I see them as a collective. They fear us. They fear soulful peoples. They fear every aspect of our energy.
They have also resisted the indigenous being empowered.
I hate the ew golem troglodytes. Zombies.
The enemy tried to destroy this city, and the collectives of the soulless complacent goon wads are like a bomb. Bad vibes ARE a collective.
Reminder that conscription and drafting is HOSTAGES. True war is only fought by volunteers. The enemy is unironically trying to desolate my world.
Death to the conscripters/drafters. Death to the churches etc. Hunt hunt hunt. Be intolerant, thus having standards and self respect.
I want MY yuri girls in MY housing and owning MY markets and protecting MY farms. I want my peoples everywhere and to strike the bad vibes with our vibes. Vibes/energy are people and we must use our energy to destroy certain energy. That is THE ONLY WAY FOR US TO EXIST. We are an energy that doesn’t exist among certain energies.
Also we must cut off those who accept cursed money. Money is a lie, and the energy of my collectives is priceless.
I want my city to be a witches den. Girls only. Death to all moids.
Aging doesn’t exist amidst the perfect energy. All victory to ever growing soulfulness and ever lovelier love.
Anonymous 116074
>>116015Forgetting everything else, everything going on with Palestine really gave me a lot of perspective in life. I can’t imagine what Palestinian mothers are going through.
Anonymous 116095
>>115701I’m 27 and feel old.
I still have the same hobbies I did as a teenager and young adult (passive hobbies like gaming, twitch stream viewer, YT, manga/anime etc) so I feel the same still?
I managed to hold down a 9-5 job but quit recently because the office politics and my coworkers were driving me insane
I’m married too btw so I feel old and immature and a failure because I quit my job and am not looking forward to mortgage payments..
Anonymous 116263

I'm 24 and it's too much for me. I should've been forever 23!!!
Anonymous 116288
Who said anyone doesn't have kids? I have a family with literal 6ft chad, still feel like a loser who's life is going nowhere
Anonymous 116293
Nta why do you care so much about your wrinkles? Do you have nothing else going for you aside from looks? Is having a nigel the pinnacle of life to you? Aging is normal "nona". If you're this insecure about how much of a loser you are then you wake up tomorrow and start living in a way that gets the most out of your life now. It's that simple. Get treated for depression, find the millions of other women online in the same position as you, meetup with them, find your hobbies, start exercising, ignore people that tear you down, discover what brings you significance in this meaningless existence. You're only held back by the mindset that you can't live your life because of your age or what others believe about you. Absolutely pathetic.
Anonymous 116294
>>116293I'm aware that these posts are from a moid because of the incel cope/lack of creative writing/seething at the idea women can be content without men but there's tonnes of anons in relationships on this board that aren't happy because they have no friends or meaning in their life. You're worrying about the lowest denominator.
Anonymous 116298

No. I have decided I will never be old. Hopefully I will peacefully pass away in my sleep at 92 years old believing I'm young, beautiful, smart, and can do whatever I want. I've seen enough relatives decide they were "too old" and completely stop engaging with the world around them because they believe it doesn't have a place for them anymore. That's usually the beginning of the decline and it's heartbreaking to see. Youth is a mental state and I don't care what people think, never give up on living your life to the fullest because society has told you as a woman you have no value after the age of 21 and you have to give up all your hobbies and inner life to be some scrote's broodmare.
Anonymous 116307
>>11570130s are the new 20s for millennials and zoomers. If you’re reaching the end of your 20s, then it’s actually the perfect time to get your shit together and as long as you start now, you’re totally on track tbh
I’m 33 and look and feel better than ever. Microplastics are probably slowing down our brain development idk
Anonymous 116327
I'm 27 and yeah I feel you. Got a stupid useless major, working a dead end job, no money etc. But honestly I've been feeling better since I realized all these fucking milestones and goalposts imposed on us are completely arbitrary. I'm depressed (and honestly anyone who feels this way is) and I would still feel like shit if I had achievements or whatever. Simply because I was dealt this brain chemistry. And since I didn't off myself at 16 like I was going to, and don't really have the motivation anymore… I can just take it one day at a time, I only have one life and it belongs to me and no one else so I should do things that make me happy for as long as I can, and then whatever. Like, I'm not getting rich or achieving shit anyways, might as well enjoy the ride a little bit then. You don't NEED to do anything in your life, you don't need to find a place - you have one, it's right there where you are. It's yours, no one can take it away from you while you're alive. Get some silly hobby that you enjoy, it doesn't have to be creative or monetizable, it can be just a piece of media, it can be any form of escapism, it doesn't matter, just anything that makes you feel good in the moment. You don't need to prove anything to anyone, literally, fuck anyone who thinks or says that you do. It's okay to just do the bare minimum just to get some enjoyment out of your days. And you will feel younger living like that too tbh
Anonymous 116330
>>116327Thanks nona I needed to hear this
I feel like a failure and fool because I started my degrees and dropped out at the end of the semester both times and now I’m working dead end job and living in a crappy apartment where everything’s falling apart and I’m too shy and depressed to ask my landlord to fix it. I’ll try to hang in there as long as I can until it absolutely needs fixing
My agoraphobia prevents me from achieving a happy lifestyle others deem worthy but I’m content living in my shithole apartment and playing video games all day , I feel fulfilled making YouTube videos and twitch streaming and am hoping I can make some money on the side and maybe blow up and go viral and make it my full time job so I can stop going to my depressing real “essential” job
Anonymous 116454
>>115701ive never really felt this. sometimes people run out of steam and thats normal. but i think whats important is remaining authentic to your beliefs and feelings.
>>116327you can always make your own goals. arbitrary goals feel wrong inherently
Anonymous 116481
I dont feel old per say, what I feel is that my world of opportunities is actually shrinking now. I can no longer ask for my parents to sponsor any bullshit and I myself are stuck working gigs barely making it. I the fact that I no longer have opportunities makes me scared I may never make it for family building, since I want a child but clearly there is no stable ground for it and no way to improve that stability either. I wasted my youth on two useless meme degrees, and never had fun while doing so either. I am truly stuck for the first time in my life with no prospects and it is horrifying. From now on I will only ever lose.
Anonymous 116485
I'm in my late 20s and feel like I wasted my chance to pursue my dreams. Logically I know "it's never too late! Start today!!" but my dream is something that requires consistent dedicated work, stuff i should have been doing while I was a neet instead of being depressed all the time. Now that I have a 9-5 that I need to support myself it feels like i can't catch up no matter how hard i try, so why even bother. Also due to the depression and general inactivity i feel like I'm aging badly, another thing I lament over and regret