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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Anonymous 115783

I stopped taking my meds

Anonymous 115784>>115785

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Lets all stop taking our meds

Anonymous 115785>>115786

i tried quitting my ssris and it made my autism 100x worse i would literally scream and hit my head like i was a toddler

Anonymous 115786

That was me but with my bipolar and anticonvulsants

Anonymous 115787

My lexapro ran out like 2.5 years ago and I just never got more. I sometimes wonder if it was a placebo the whole time

Anonymous 115788>>115789>>115790

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>Day 4
I regret my decision

Anonymous 115789

What were you on? I was okay. I was on Depakote, Risperidone, and some other type of drug, I forget what it was.

Anonymous 115790>>115901

I've done the same thing before. I think "I'm sick of taking these meds I don't want to be dependent on them anymore!!!" then the nightmares start

Anonymous 115898

I haven't been taking my meds for over 2 months, honestly I've never felt a difference even with the higher dosage. But I'll try to get back on them again since I'm going back to uni. But I want a new physiatrist cause she refuses to evaluate me for ADHD.

Anonymous 115901

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exactly you THINK things are going great but that's just the illusion being off the meds while everyone else in your life severs contact with you cuz you're acting like you're in your amanda bynes britney era

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