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am i good enough Anonymous 115834

im in my first semester of Uni, im studying to be a nurse. Its already my first week of school and i dont know if im good enough for this, im not dumb, i understand everything well and i know how to organize my time for homework and studying, but i feel like im not enough
like i can't put up with my own expectations or my mother expectations and i feel so stupid, as if im worth nothing if i fail in this
THIS is literally becoming my life purpose and its just been ONE WEEK. Maybe im just mentally or emotionally weak, or im obsessing over it, i dont know.
im just venting but- if you have something to say- pls reply. im lonely.

Anonymous 115835

It has been ONE WEEK. Did you think there wouldn't be an adjustment period? Uni is a big shift from highschool, particularly in North American culture (assuming that's where you're from). You are no longer in the top of your class just for remotely paying attention/trying. You have to both self-govern your whole life for the first time (if you had a helicopter parent) AND study harder than you've ever studied before. Make some friends or at least people who will help you study/hold each other accountable. We all get this, those prone to anxiety usually get it worse/more often. Shower, eat, and/or sleep. You'll feel better after doing some combination of those.

Anonymous 115851

School doesn't matter
Just pass and then you can do the real stuff which is work
I think you can do it

Anonymous 115897

As long as your passing your classes you're good. Literally everyone cheats in class given the opportunity. Most people forget what they learn, when they get into the actual work field is when you ACTUALLY learn something.

Anonymous 115929

You are definitely good enough for nursing. You can overcome and figure it out. You may want to try and talk to some other nurses and try to see if you can piece together a study group as part of your study schedule. This helps with keeping yourself accountable.

Anonymous 115937

In situations like these I always think to myself "If you weren't good enough for this, you wouldn't even be in this position rn."
You got into the uni, now it's up to you to not to throw it away. In technically speaking you can totally make it, just don't depend on the mindset of "It'll all work out somehow" (like I did the first two semesters). You will have to put in some effort. View your mom's expectations as motivation. Idk if that works for you but I somehow always perform better when I know someone thinks I won't make it.
A thing that helped me with studying was going to places outside of my room to study, essentially to not get distracted. Another thing that might help you is to get into learning groups. Try to not overwork yourself tho. Prioritize health > grades > free time. I tried to not prioritize health for the first two semesters and I really messed with my hormones. Not having enough sleep/meals/exercise can really fuck with your body. In my case I had visible signs i couldn't ignore but even if you just have skin breakouts or massive black circles, looking unhealthily pale could be indicators. Your body will take it's revenge sooner or later.
Some might say it's not healthy to put spare time last in your list but tbh I already quite enjoy cooking and exercising + self care is relaxing to me and I usually like getting out of my room to go to some learning area and maybe buy some snacks too. If you're not like super stressed just set a specific time after which you completely stop studying. Like if studying after 7pm doesn't really do anything for you, just stop right there and you have the whole evening to you. By doing this you also kind of have that first work, then reward thing going which many of us sadly didn't properly learn as children.
Anyway as I said it's technically very much doable and as you got into the uni you're obviously qualified, the rest just comes down to time management, so make sure you find something that works for yourself (if you're not using those already methods like time blocking or a pomodoro timer might help).

Anonymous 118081

How's it going, nona?

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