Anonymous 115884
Was just doing my usual Saturday night routine (reflecting on all my past relationships, wondering why I feel so disconnected from other people and praying for some kind of breakthrough) and I finally got somewhere. I think I’m crazy. I think I’m delusional, and not “girlie in her dululu era” delusional but “I can’t tell imagination from reality” delusional. I think I’m the problem. And that really, really, really, really sucks
I have so much love to give. Now I’m beginning to see why nobody ever wanted it. I wish I was a man. Nobody likes a crazy woman. Even other women despise crazy women, while crazy men are somewhat revered. I just want to be loved
Anonymous 115890

>>115884Maybe you should try to live more in the present, turn of your computer, and touch some grass? Also, I feel this whole overthinking every Saturday thing isn't working out too well for ya, but you do you. I'm sure that well adjusted people also believe themselves crazy before going to bed. (Kinda sorry for assuming too much and being mean, but I hope the message comes across.)
Anonymous 115891
>>115890i am facing similar thoughts and i think i need to work on a project
Anonymous 115892
>>115884Overthinking isn’t great for you, try to remain calm and be proud of yourself. Whatever problems you have, you will get through them