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I have nowhere else to talk about this Anonymous 116030

My cat gave birth this morning and her only child is deformed, I think it's a premature birth. I'm so creeped out, it looks weird, like a small mass is bulging out between his eyes. I feel horrible for my kitty.
>Inb4 why isn't she neutered?
I cannot possibly afford that sort of procedure, broke college student and all, I never thought of taking her to a vet for that anyway, she is always at home, she didn't even go through a "heat" phase as much as I'm concerned, idk when it happened, but a few months ago she would escape at night and I wouldn't find her until the next morning.
At first I felt neutral about it, bc she wasn't breastfeeding her son, I thought animals sometimes reject their deformed or I'll young, heck, I've even seen mother cats eat their own litter if they're born ill, it's their nature, their instinct, I can't possibly judge them by human standards for it, I have made peace with it, whatever. I was ready for my cat to hate her son.
But she didn't
It's fucking breaking my heart, she keeps coming back to check on him. She wants me to help her feed him, she pushes him towards me to pick up then lies on her side and lifts her hind leg, indicating she wants him to feed. But he won't. He can barely breathe, he will die sooner or later and it breaks my heart that his mom actually cares. She's a small cat, she's only 10 months old. She's always been the sweetest, most gentle girl. I've raised her since she was practically a few weeks old. Her mom was my sister's pet. It hurts to see her so distressed, so scared and confused. I almost wish she’d rejected her child, that'd have made it easier for both of us, however selfish that may sound, that cat is already dead, there's no doubt about it.
Why was it only one cat? Don't cat usually give birth to 4 or so cats at a time? I don't understand anything

Anonymous 116031

Snap kitten's neck and end its suffering. Cats are animals after all, not humans, and after few days she will completely forget about that kutten and probably she will go into a new heat (yep,female animals can go through "hidden" heat)
She is not scared and distressed, she's just doing what her instincts told her, caring for offspring.
Also, take her to vet. Do it. Giving birth after first heat (and assume it was her first heat because she is young) isn't healthy for female organism of any species. Especially if it's premature birth with just one deformed kitten.
You should neuter your cats even if they're "not able" to sneak outside and find a tom (they will find a way), because unlike humans cats don't menstruated and wasted egg cells will kinda hang on in her body, causing cancer later in life.

Anonymous 116035

you sound like a psycho and your advice to OP is shit

Anonymous 116059

Op here, he died overnight, I'm trying to comfort my kitty all day. I always knew he would die and idk why u would even suggest to kill it. You're gross

Anonymous 116060

It's obviously a moid.

Anonymous 116061

Cool, now I am a moid just because I don't cry over some deformed kitten. I was raised in countryside and worked on big farms, so killing sick and deformed animals isn't something bad to me. They are going to die anyway, so why not make it quick?
And yes, don't anthropomorphise animals. They don't grieve over lost offspring like humans do

Anonymous 116062

Most miners are unhinged internet creatures that never touched grass. Don't waste energy on them

Anonymous 116224

your shitass farm autism shouldn't conflict house pet, it's totally different a farm animal that one you see on your bed

Anonymous 116230

no, it literally is not.

Anonymous 117432

unrelated but nona is basically living through eraserhead lol

Anonymous 117435

so lynchian

Anonymous 117438

You sound like a moid because of your lack of empathy for other living things. Get the fuck out of the thread retard.

Anonymous 117461

>empathy for other living things
I bet you aren't vegan, so it's not you like feel empathy for all living things as well

Anonymous 117735

I'm so sorry, anony. For you and your kitty and her baby :( She sounds so sweet. It's been a month - do you have any updates?

Anonymous 117813

She only suggested that anon put the deformed thing out of its misery because of her empathy for it. Your response is confusing.

Anonymous 117819


My kitty is doing fine now, she's back to her healthy playful self, just less clingy. I really could have sworn she was grieving at first, like for a few days after she long her baby she would repeatedly meow and search around where he was born under the bed and she was more clingy than usual, purring anxiously. Now she's healthy and fine

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