
Anonymous 116114
I've never had a boyfriend; and it hurts. If men don’t ask you out on dates, does that mean you’re weird? Should women ever approach men?
Anonymous 116115
No, it's normal, get used to it. I don't get it why people care so much about this, there is more to life than just dating and relationships, or constant worrying. Perhaps you should try finding inner peace with yourself and get help with your insecurities rather than constantly asking these same types of questions over and over again. Being a virgin or not having a boyfriend is really not that weird at all.
Anonymous 116117
was kind of good advice until this tbh
>even invite a couple other people you like from work and make it a "thing"
if the other people you're inviting includes other men, you might add unnecessary competition, otherwise if you invite all women you could make him feel awkward. just ask the guy on a date at that point.
Anonymous 116118
>>116117How is having a group of friends weird?
Anonymous 116119
>>116118It's not weird but, do you want him to be your friend, or your boyfriend?
Anonymous 116174
>>116114Nobody asked you out on dates because you read the Tsukihime remake instead of the actual vn
Anonymous 116175
>>116115Theres a difference between being obsessed with relationships and being sad you've never experienced one.
Anonymous 116188
>Should women ever approach men?
No no no no no no no no.
Even if you get a relationship out of that moid, that first encounter will permanently define your relationship. He will treat you like he "got you for free". That he doesn't have to work for you. Men are literally like this.
Anonymous 116190
>>116188Why are you supporting gender roles?
Anonymous 116193
>>116188Depends on what kind of guy you approach. Ideally you should get to know them first, and after you initiate see how they respond to withholding sex for a long period. That should give you a clear enough picture on the guy.
Anonymous 116194
>>116114I have to ask if you even have a social circle.
Anonymous 116197
The more people you meet, the more moids will desire u based on the fact u will meet more moids. moids have low standards. they are also retarded and evil, you do not want to be involved with one. if so, make sure you have full control.
its fine if women approach men tho. so u can have control. its about control.
Anonymous 116206
men suck, 99% of them are massive perverts and the ones that arent are freaks you have gotten lucky
Anonymous 116207
>>116115Idk whenever a girl says this she's never a femcel. She's always had every opportunity to have someone. I feel it's like billionaires saying, oh, money doesn't mean anything. Yeah, because you have shit tons of it.
Anonymous 116209
don't feel like shit over it. men in my own culture wouldn't dare to touch me because of how westernized i am.
Anonymous 116222
>>116193Nta, What if the guy is exactly my type and I want to the same day should I make him wait? I don't want to lose my chance with him, he's so cute.
Anonymous 116223
>>116222>my type is a slut who will sleep with someone he just metYou should get a new type.
Anonymous 116329
>>116207Yup because seeing men iterally fuck anything that moves but completely ignore you destroys your self esteem. No amount of trying to find inner peace will fix that.
>>116114It's ok to approach them in a non romantic context IMO. Initiating a friendship or a conversation is fine, then just see what happens.
Anonymous 116349
>>116329>Yup because seeing men iterally fuck anything that moves but completely ignore you destroys your self esteemFucking actual women usually requires some degree of effort and I'd say most moids are quite lazy/tired when it comes to this. Like sure they may wanna fuck but given the fact that most of them work 5 days a week and only have 2 days to rest it's normal that a lot of them would rather jerk off kek. My friend in her 40s said that she has times when she feels so overworked that she realizes if she had to also have sex that day she would just be like "hell no"
So there's not really anything wrong with you. Moids wanting to fuck 24/7 is exaggerated, they also work and get tired and run out of social energy just like us
Anonymous 116400
>>116119Why the fuck wouldn't you want your boyfriend to be your friend first?
Anonymous 117135
I realised that I was so undesireable that I would never meet anyone if I didn't approach men. The very first guy I approached reacted like >>117134 said and was immediately suspicious. I think a lot of men have no self-worth and immediately assume they're so undesireable that any woman who expresses interest has ulterior motives, because we couldn't possibly
be interested in them as a person. After he realised I really wanted to talk to him, he assumed that I was just being nice to him because I wanted someone to talk to or out of pity. It took 3 weeks of intermittent contact to convince him I really did want to get to know him and I wasn't just lonely looking for a platonic friend to talk about common interests with; something he thought was his only utility to women.
Anonymous 117159
>>116114Have men actually never shown you any interest?