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no job will make me happy Anonymous 116267

college is the only thing I enjoy. learning new things and writing about them and applying them and the process of researching and the ever changing schedule and free time and freedom in general is something no job can give me. I genuinely think it's all downhill after I graduate

Anonymous 116278

Welcome to the real world, it was no one's childhood dream to work 40 hours a week.

Anonymous 116286

>learning new things and writing about them and applying them and the process of researching and the ever changing schedule
go into science and work in academia or startups where you have project turnover and never stop researching new things!
>free time and freedom in general
okay yeah that one you're not gonna find.

Anonymous 116289


same, i think will just kill myself tbh. i could die any day, it’s just fuck around, enjoy shit i love, acquire esoteric knowledge, and die for me i’m afraid. they can’t take away my happiness, i don’t care if it’s childish

Anonymous 116300

>and writing about them and applying them and the process of researching

become a lawyer it's literally just that nonstop

Anonymous 116302

>I genuinely think it's all downhill after I graduate
Yeah, it is. Do you think everyone around you loves their job and you're the exception? For most people their job is a means to an end, making a living of the thing you're deeply passionate about is reserved for only the lucky few unfortunately.

Anonymous 116310

I see no point in anything. I wanna just lay in bed until I die, but that never happens, I always get up again eventually. But I have no will to do anything left in me

Anonymous 116505

you could just…. go into academia if you really want to tho. lol

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