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Positivity. Anonymous 116556

Share any positive feelings or positive things.

Garden your soul garden.
Every focus is infinite multiverses.
Keep watering the ideas/plants that make you feel the loveliest love

Here’s a thing that has made me feel so good and is important to me:
Thousands of Polska girls and Belarus girls are covering my NorthAmerican city with graffiti. They’ve somehow clearly gotten the idea to all become collectively like a splatoon. It has changed the energy immensely and really improved the omnipresent feminism quality~level vibe. These girls have religions about ancient euro queens and it really shows, lots of ethereal stuff.. I see so many soulful girls are more comfortable loitering around and making anywhere a party! That’s SO important! Sovl

Anonymous 116708

My favorite places are forests next to bodies of water. The water makes the most beautiful colors reflecting the sky and trees, especially at sunset. It's not hot out anymore and the air smells nice now that the seasons are changing.
That sounds lovely, I wish you could post a picture. Every city should be like that.

Anonymous 117772


I was going to make a gratitude thread because I didn't initially see one but I saw this thread so I'll bump it.

I am happy to finally have a pay raise. It feels nice to being paid a reasonable rate.
It's so nice to spoil myself, I got myself a nice dinner and a cute new outfit with shoes. There was so many things I kept putting off because I couldn't afford it.
I am also going to be getting new glasses and its the first time in 5 years, I need it, I am blind. I just could never get the money saved up because there was always a random expense that would pop up. I had no savings, I was literally paycheck to paycheck.

People who are against high minimum wage are beyond stupid and evil.

Anonymous 118890

I'm getting a promotion and a raise this month! And a bonus for good performance! I'm proud of myself.

Anonymous 118891


Congratulations nonas, more money is always good, I hope you enjoy your work and continue to evolve in your work.

This thing about being against the minimum wage is something for retarded teenagers supported by their parents, who think they are greedy and have never had a job in their lives.

Anonymous 118896

Petting my pet rabbits :3

Anonymous 118902

>more money is always good

heh i found the opposite to be true. with more money people get fat, nasty and entitled. i don't think luxury is good for a person but seems like most can not resist it and let themselves be easily seduced by it.

eating out in restaurants the way most people do it is in most cases terribly unhealthy. yet that's what people do with their extra money.

getting cosmetic procedures and then regretting them by ending up looking like a plastic doll. i dunno. doesn't add anything to my life i don't already have. i don't think the things money can buy are worth the theft of your life's energy. i like my tiny low effort job that i work for a few hours, i'd hate to have one of these evil high paying jobs where i can't even look at myself anymore.

Anonymous 118903

>lots of ethereal stuff.. I see so many soulful girls are more comfortable loitering around and making anywhere a party! That’s SO important!

that does sound pretty cool

Anonymous 118910

i roasted up a cauliflower and dipped it in cheese

Anonymous 118917

that's a really fresh perspective, nona. it seems obvious but i never really thought of it that way. still, the ideal wage is one that lets you live nicely and comfortably and make good food at home like you said

Anonymous 118926

You found a way to be negative in a positivity thread; rethink your approach
And even worse, you used an emoji

Anonymous 118934

Thanks, Nona! The next promotion I'm in line for is a huge step up, so it will take a while to get there. But I'm excited to grow into a person suitable for the role.

The funny thing is my job doesn't stress me out at all, I enjoy it most of the time, I work no over time, and I often spend an hour or more on reddit every day…

Anonymous 119036

You’re in every thread and all of your posts are projection. You’re calling this person a “conflict robot” but instead of staying on topic you replied to someone with the intention of generating controversy. And when someone doesn’t take your shit you get on defensive mode.
You’re weird, schizophrenic and should fuck off from here.

Anonymous 119044

I am very happy right now, because God is good. I hope you nonas are all doing well. I am glad I get to read all these positive posts here

Anonymous 119060

I took responsibility for myself and called the rehabilitation center I was referred to. Now I have an appointment for next month. I'm pretty damn proud of myself even though objectively I know it's just an every day adult task.

Anonymous 119077

That is so great to hear! Good that you did that

Anonymous 119801

After a long time I feel in love with my husband again. We've been having sex again which probably helps. He's also just been acring more caribg in general.

Anonymous 119804


This is great, It's getting close to the 'seven year itch' but I still love my husband as much as the day I married him. Our daughter is getting old enough to do things on her own so this gives us more time to be with each other intimately

Anonymous 119811

Been getting into painting and it's been feeling really good

Anonymous 119813

Working as a waitress has been surprisingly fun, and the pay's better than I expected.

Anonymous 119819

I love coffee!

Anonymous 119821

i felt this way too when waitressing. im in retail now but god i miss the money i was making t-t

Anonymous 119830

Cleaned my room yesterday, not just picking up trash and worn clothing in one spot but the whole room and even the hallway leading to my room.
Don't know where this motivation came from but I'm still riding that high, I like it, even opened up the window and just having the crisp smell of nothing felt amazing.
Even this morning after I finished eating I immediately washed my plate instead of letting it sit for who knows how long.
I like this change, how do I get this for other problems in my life, did I subconsciously say "ENOUGH" and actually do something positive for once, is there a way to get more of this, even typing this out fills my head with feel good chemicals, I want more!??!

Anonymous 119850

congrats nona! i had a similar mood recently and did the same. it feels so good actually having a livable room

Anonymous 120079

Food, alcohol, and listening to music I like followed by oujosama asmr… I deserved this break today.

Anonymous 120082

Eat some good food. Remember tomorrow will come.

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