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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

Talk about relationships of all kinds, ask for advice, or just vent

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Anonymous 116666

What was the most fun/creative date you’ve ever been on?

If you've never dated, what are fun/creative dates that you would like to have?

Anonymous 116668

Wanna go to an amusement park for a date. They look cool in movies and TV shows.

Anonymous 116675

This was circa 2020, in the throes of corona virus when there was lots of places closed and restrictions on crowds etc. Bf and I got take away food, I baked some slices and we drove to the mountains bordering my city and spent a couple of hours stargazing/teaching ourselves how to take long exposure pics of the Milky Way whilst we had a picnic. He has a Ute so we lay down in the back and watch a few comets go by.

Honestly one of the best nights of my life.

Anonymous 116712

Does staying home, doing drugs and fucking like rabbits count as a date?

Anonymous 116714

not really creative, but probably the most interesting first date
>plan to meet in the city and get a coffee in the morning
>have hot chocolate and churos
>walk along the foreshore and talk
>it starts to rain, he breaks into a construction site so we can wait it out
>go hang out in the city, just walking around, taking pictures for my art blog and seeing things
>my ribs ache from how much he made me laugh
>take a train together
>there's a problem with the track so we have to get off and walk to our final stop
>run from overzealous security when we take a shortcut
>talk about some pretty serious things and I'm kind of exhausted so I'm just honest about my trauma
>hold hands and he gives me his backpack to shield myself from another downpour
>run into a movie theatre
>get some drinks and immediately fall sleep on his shoulder in the dark
>he thinks I want to go home and mentions his place is nearby, so walking me back won't be a problem
>ask to see his house
>shows me his foundry and how he casts objects
>teaches me how to do it and he makes me a copy of a famous comando knife for self-defence
>gives me the sheath he made for himself and changes the engraved initials for me
>talk about movvies and music we like
>wants to show me his favourite horror movies, so we share earbuds and walk to the store to buy snacks while listening to music
>coming back with some skittles and chips
>see a car stall at an intersection and a truck slams into it
>5 people flee the truck
>he calls an ambulance and helps the injured driver
>the hit and runners are caught and the driver is taken to hospital with minor injuries
>go back to his house and get a little too drunk
>suddenly REALLY want to have sex, but he's worried about me
>watch some movies and tell him I should get home
>he starts to drive me back, but my dad texts to tell me he's going to a dinner party and won't be home
>instead just night drive together and go to some cool places
>sees a neighbourhood having roadside collection and shows me how to salvage expensive parts from old devices
>get hungry and stop at a rare 24/7 store, but the roof caved in and all the aisles are closed
>end up just drinking from a carton of room-temp custard
>go to the beach and find an expensive watch with an engraving from a wife
>take it to the police station at 1am
>go to a park on a hill overlooking the city and talk while we watch the dawn
>drive back the my house
>invite him inside and eat some cereal on my bed as we listen to music
>fall asleep together
>wake up to my dad ranting about some inconsiderate neighbour parking in our driveway
>hears my bed creak and sees us leave my room together and immediately thinks we had sex
>he hastily leaves and we kiss for the first time

Anonymous 116729

I usually just go on hikes, long walks, and eat out at restaurants or cafes for my dates.

Don't know what movie fantasies ya;'ll be living, but count me jelly.

Anonymous 118112

i want to lure and kill a man after having sex

Anonymous 118958

but why nona

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