Anonymous 116877
I am stupid. I just don't understand majority of things, I lack critial thinking, argumentation and so on. I can't speak languages well, I can't do math, I don't undestand. I have ADD and writing problems as well dyslexia. I just don't know what I supposed to do with my lack of understanding, knowledge. I have studied language for 4 years and last few months 5+ hours a day. I can barely understand basic texts in it. Anything I try to learn takes 3 to 5 times more time than it takes for normal person. I am frustarated.
Anonymous 116882
This might not help your situation but I'm going to say it anyway: it's okay. You don't have to be anything other than what you naturally are just because human society around you happened to evolve a certain way. We are the only animals enforcing insane, unnatural rules about existence. You don’t have to be especially good at anything specific, you just need food, air, shelter and socializing like any other social animal. You’re allowed to just exist, like the birds in the sky and all the other animals on Earth. I know it seems more complicated, but that’s because you grew up in the "system" and internalized the values of it.
Anonymous 116886
If this really is the case then it is what it is, you're just not meant for intellectual tasks. Nothing you can do about it, get your fulfillment some other way.
Anonymous 116892
>psilocybin and adderall
>full healthy meals
>dual n back 20 mins a day
>acetyl tyrosine and acetyl lcarnitine
>arguing with retards on the internet
>creating a tulpa (alternative: talking to god)
anything that keeps you engaged in a mindful way (have interests other than studying lang?) and builds your default brain network, memory, reward system
Anonymous 116894
>>116882fully agree. OP make it your goal to be financially physically and mentally stable-ish and somewhat happy and you'll be doing better than most humans. I also think the people around you can be a big help. Ask people for recommendations, advice–it both brings you closer and can yield some advice that isn't found online when you feel you lack the sense to make sense of the world.
Anonymous 116895

>>116892NTAYRT but I am so retarded I straight up cannot figure out how to play dual n-back and no tutorial I can find online helps me understand. I think I might be hopelessly stupid
Anonymous 116937
i was gonna give advice but im literally in the same place. i think you can get smarter by training your brain
Anonymous 116953
>>116892exercise and psilocybin have had the most impact on my learning ability
you need exercise to think and remember, the amount of blood that flows through your brain will literally triple if you exercise for half an hour or more every other day