Hello all Anonymous 117564
My boyfriend recently confronted me about my (daily) weed usage. I smoke a lot (6-7 grams per week on average) and apparently he feels put off by that. Now, were in my place, who would you cut out: the Green Goddess or the boyfriend?
Anonymous 117566
That's a tough question. Maybe smoke less, 6-7g might be a bit excessive.
Anonymous 117570
>>117564start smoking cigs and he'll realize weed is the lesser of two evils
Anonymous 117571
Is there a particular reason why he doesn't like the weed?
Is it how it affects you? Is it the smell? Are you a lazy high or a relaxed high?
Anonymous 117593

wow he wants you to do something with your time on earth apart from being in a semi-conscious haze? What a terrible boyfriend
Anonymous 117594
I think if you value a recreational drug more than your boyfriend, you should just leave him. Either he's a terrible boyfriend or you're entirely dependent on it and cutting him loose would be an act of mercy.
Anonymous 117603
Unless you’re a bum who doesn’t work/study/clean do anything I don’t see a problem with it maybe offer a compromise and only smoke in the evenings or something. Anyway couldn’t be me my boyfriend rolls my joints for me
Anonymous 117651
Dating a moid is low iq behaviour anyway. Into the trash he goes
Anonymous 117672
1) Was your weed prescribed? (aka treatment for PTSD, pain, etc)
2) Do you smoke around him? (aka the scent of weed is in the air when you're in the house together?)
If 1)'s answer is no, we got an issue there, even more if you're smoking almost 30 grams, there's an addiction at this point if you require so much weed if it's for recreational use.
Now for 2)'s answer, if you smoke around.
Ever thought that the smell or smoke can affect him? Has he ever told you that he doesn't like the smell at least once?
Weed is a strong odor, so even if you're a room away with windows open and closed door anyone will be able to smell it anyways, perhaps he hates the smell, weed impregnates everything sometimes, clothes, air, even your breath gets affected by it, so perhaps turning it down a bit can help.
I can't think of something else, just those 2.
We're so used to these things that sometimes we ignore other's needs, and even if it were legal you can't smoke freely, there are boundaries even when it comes to breathe the same air as everyone does.
Oh and remember, our personality change when we're under some drugs, if you've been abusing something lately, they'll see the change, not us.
Weed and edibles (like shrooms) must be discussed sometimes, sounds silly but as I said, respect, it's not a norm yet that everyone does weed as people used to smoke cigarettes back then, so don't be selfish (even if its a moid or a woman, a family or a stranger).
Ask if you can have a time or a place, whatever comes to your head, afterall communication takes a big part in things like these.