
my bf watches SA porn Anonymous 117618
I have been raped 2 times in my life, and SA another 2 times. My BF helped me to get through a couple of those, i really thought he was the only non-evil man in existence.
Recently i noticed that he follows porn accounts that post rape fantasies…
What should i do?, i'm so tired… I'm sorry if I don't post more about my thoughts on the situation, I just don't know what to think.
Anonymous 117619
how long have you been together? You probably need to come to terms with the fact that he's probably masturbated to the thought of what happened to you. And you should probably confront him about this and tell him how it makes you feel
Anonymous 117621
>>1176194 years… And i don't know how to come to terms with that thought, like, the only thing my brain can think when i try is "why?, it can't be".
And i know i should talk and tell him how much it hurts me but i don't know what i want to hear either. I don't think an "I'm sorry it will not happen again" will be enough.
This situation feels like hell, a lose-lose for me. I just want to cry nona, Everything about men is so traumatizing…
Anonymous 117630
Get up and leave. There is no discussion to be had here. A moid who watches porn is a moid you can't save. I'm so sorry anon but you just have to get your shit, leave and never look back. The fact that he watches rape porn means he has the psychology of a rapist and is just too coward to do it.
Anonymous 117649
>>117618Douse him in gasoline and set him on fire.
Anonymous 117656
>>117621The best solution is to end it now. You can't put the cat back in the bag, and nothing he can say will undo your previous trauma with SA.
Anonymous 117661

Its over nonas, i talked with him, i decided to end it there. 4 years wasted on someone like that…
Why are men always like this?, i'm too innocent and easy to take advantage of?, i'm stupid maybe?, i don't know. This feels like my rapists just took everything from me and that all men just can see me as a toy.
I'm scared of this thoughts. What should i do now?.
Anonymous 117674
>>117661>what should I do nowGo to therapy, work on yourself, stay away from shady corners of the internet, work on self-esteem, get a hobby, work out (endorphins are good), do not speak to degenerate men, no sex, no hookups, nothing. Just focus on yourself.
Anonymous 117678
Dump him, only a serial killer has a porn account
Anonymous 117780
>>117661>i talked with him, i decided to end it thereDamn what happened
Anonymous 117830

>>117674I did a lot of that actually, I feel… great, I don't need a man, I thought it would be harder but it wasn't. I feel sad but also feel like nobody can hurt me anymore. I have things to do, a life, i don't need men, i just like to be alone and i didn't knew it until now.
>>117780He said he was sorry. He actually had a fantasy with it. When we had sex he was imaginating he was my rapists… But not in a "harmful" way he said, it was just because he was frustrated another man taked "his girl" and he wanted to protect me… Sick af, sounded like he was just angry he didn't rape me first.
Anonymous 117832
just couldnt fucking
help myself lol
why. lmao.
can we all agree the most equivalent rape there is that comes from a woman is being told stories that didnt fucking happen so you can get indoctrinated into some discord groomers cult. XD
Anonymous 117852
>>117661im not one to whiteknight men but you can find a guy who is genuinely not into rape and is vanilla. or you can just be content being single. its up to you. i wish you the best truly and i hope you can heal and feel better about this all. i am sorry this happened to you
Anonymous 117855
>>117852They will lie and hide all of their porn from you for the first 2 years. Good luck with that.
Anonymous 117857
>>117855i mean there are multiple stories of kinky women who are upset at how vanilla and boring their men are
Anonymous 117858
>>117857Whats this got to do with the OP? If you don't know you're girlfriend well enough to distinguish that after two years you're a god damn retard
God shut the fuck up scrote
Anonymous 117861
>>117858??? im not a scrote, im just telling OP that she shouldnt lose hope in case she ever wants to try dating again. shes young. she has her entire life ahead of her, she might not want to date the next few years but if she ever decides to try it again 10 years from now i just dont want her to think that all men will have this awful trait that her ex did. but if she wants to stay single for the rest of her life or just a very long time (like im also doing) then i also think thats a valid choice to make.
Anonymous 119496
>>117618Know a moid who's into rape despite the fact he's literally a rape victim. Rape is in moid's blood, the only "good men" are the ones that don't act on those impulses.
Anonymous 119509
Good on you for leaving that POS. Keep setting those boundaries.
Maybe Im too fearful of a person, but it sounds like he could potentially be dangerous if he admitted to imagining being yourr apist. Change the locks, have some protection, just in general be safe.
Dont listen to the gaslighting about "but..but its not all men!1!". Men are not to be trusted, even other men dont trust men. Just my opinion but they are all like that. Or at minimum, eventually most men say or do things that show that they hate or want to dominate/destroy/humiliate women.
Anonymous 119537
You should inform the feds
Anonymous 119558
>>119496i was SA’d by a friend a couple weeks after he confessed to me to being a victim of COCSA. that same night he admitted to having a kink and asked me if i had one too, since i had JUST told him about what his friend had did to me in high school. it felt staged looking back. but in the moment i thought i was the first person besides this friends mom he had told about being raped and he explained the kink to me like it was a wanting to take back control thing and he would never hurt anyone. i’d known him for almost ten years and he didn’t hurt me. until he did.
Anonymous 119593
>dates a moid
>he does gross shit
>surprised pikachu face
what exactly did you expect?
Anonymous 119644
>>117618I'm sorry that happened to you