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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Anonymous 117691

How old are you?

Do you feel less worth as you grow older?

Im 35+ and starting to mature mentally and taking care of my health but it feels like nobody gives a shit about me anymore. I guess its part of life. But im childress and scared i will end up alone. Venting. Looking for advice

Anonymous 117693

Didn't your intuition warn you that this will happen?

Anonymous 117694

It's time to get a cat

Anonymous 117695

OP is blessed to not have kids and be alone. Warn you of what? Dodging all the bullets in life? The normal script for success only turns you into a beaten down wage slave or a house slave.

Anonymous 117697

lets see how you feel about this when you become 35+

Anonymous 117699

If i was past the point of no return i would double down on being a failure too.

Anonymous 117700

>Im 35+ and starting to mature mentally and taking care of my health but it feels like nobody gives a shit about me anymore. I guess its part of life. But im childress and scared i will end up alone. Venting. Looking for advice
She is probably this board's public enemy #1, but H. Pearl Davis says that pretty much any woman can find a husband on Tinder. I think she is probably right. There are like 4 men for every woman on Tinder, so the odds are in your favor.

Anonymous 117702


Hope you are being sarcastic

Anonymous 117705

>sudden influx of offsiters among the wasteland of this dead board
>no replies from op
>half assed dissent post to bait engagement
i can't tell if these threads are real anymore

Anonymous 117707

i imagine its still possible for a 35+ woman to find someone genuine but you would need to lower your standards by a lot. not 35+ but isnt this the age where people leave failed marriages?

Anonymous 117708

I want a child but I'm scared I might be infertile or I'll have health complicationsor I'll be a shitty abusive parent. :(

Anonymous 117712

Are you actually deluding yourself that living with a man is desirable though? Living with someone that will be nothing but an emotional and physical burden on you as a woman? Are you fucking insane? Most men are not desirable or attractive. Even when they are they tend to be immense pains to live with. How old are you 14? Homeschooled? More than anything you sound like a moid

Anonymous 117713

Those are the least of your problems.

Anonymous 117715

How are we even having this discussion? Dating apps have been abandoned by women.

Its not like a national secret that moids on dating apps are usually chaffe no matter how plentiful. If you are desperate enough in life that you feel you will die without a man that is just a you problem.

Anonymous 117716

>you would need to lower your standards by a lot.
Moid psyop, never lower your standards.

Anonymous 117718

Why doesn't it get through to you that not everyone is a lesbian with aspergers, wait, i think i answered my own question.

Anonymous 117719

Nta but you're gonna have to try harder than that moid

Anonymous 117721

This kind of never-settle philosophy only works of you have an abundance of options. When you're 35 think about the men who are willing to date you
>Men younger than you won't date you
>Men your age or older will date you if they can't get a younger one
And even if they look your way, ifs still socially acceptable for a 35yo man to date as young as 24. And young women not only don't have a problem with dating older men, they really like it. So you don't have a lot of cards to play and your hand gets worse every year. The only real leverage you have is by lowering your standards.

Anonymous 117723

No it works for everyone. Its easier to be single than be with a moid thats gonna drag you down. Gen z hate age gaps and have virtually no sex. Are you an old deluded scotoid or what?


This kind of thinking comes from young average/beautiful women. As a legit bottom 5% of women, you don't understand what it means to be alone. Even when you're single you're never really alone. You're five minutes from multiple moids ready to take you out. You're five dates from a moid ready to marry you and take care of you forever. When you don't have that safety net, it's like an unemployed rich vs poor person. Unemployment to a rich person is a vacation. Unemployment for a poor person is a slow death sentence. Likewise being young and pretty and single is fun. You get so much moid attention and your ego stroked.

>moid that drags you down

It's that or being forever alone. Let's say even if you magically got rid of all desire for intimacy and really being special to someone. As you grow older you won't have much of anyone else. Your parents at my age (36) are not going to live much longer. All my friends have their own families. I have to beg my friends to go out with me and try to cover up the desperation that this is my only human contact all week. You can scrape together some fleeting moments of connections from work, social events and so on. But its a bit like smoking used cigar butts on the street.

Anonymous 117728

OK I should clarify I definitely know that being with an abusive moid would make things worse. But I mean standards that a lot of women, even here have, I don't. Like being tall, attractive, fit, rich, romantic, college educated etc. At this point if I came home to a short balding moid who flipped burgers for a living, but he was nice enough and even cuddled, I would be many times happier than I am now.

Anonymous 117730

I got news for you I'm not either of those things I'm 38. That's why I responded. I not ugly but I'm not skinny. I know for a fact if I ever had to live with a man I would go insane.

Solitude is SO lush and rich. I never get such rich joy around people as I do when I'm alone. I never got anything deep from human contact either tbh. Well I do with my mother but thats expected.

All of my life people just felt like a massively draining force. You sound kind of in denial of that? I got headache and nausea from moids, and demands from people that I never wanted to fulfill. They all struggle for control over you and how they're going to beat you at some game or fry your existence.

So Idk I just don't relate. All worries and stress melt away for me when i dont have to be around anybody. My life is so simple with no kids and no obligations to a partner. I'm really glad i didn't do anything stupid and end up with a kid.

To me it sounds like you're holding out for a hope or image of something you believe SHOULD be. I'm just surprised you've kept at it this long given the results.

Anonymous 117732

Also no you don't. Its not worth it being eye candy when people treat you like nothing else. Most male attention is superficial, tiresome, degrading, shallow, and exhsausting.

Anonymous 117762

The lady doth protest too much, methinks

Anonymous 117767

nta you still have social capital at this age due to being attractive and a life filled with experiences that make a person inherently charismatic = acquaintances, strong social circle potential, strong sense of self, opportunities = happinessok. But where does that put me? I'm a skinny sub1 and schizophrenic so I get treated like shot everyday and never had the opportunities/capacity to become a better person. My experience in life is a constant negative feedback loop. No one wants to be around me because I'm a social aberration. I'm shot out of luck, doomed to die in a corporate cubicle as others are unaware of my corpse for 5 days and unfortunately, I'm not imaginative/delusional enough to build a stronger sense of self to enjoy life. My only option is to build a social circle through a man. <<<Do you get it now?>>> Life isn't peaceful. My face is in a meatgrinder and autist/asperger/schizoid Stacie's are telling me that if I push my face deeper into the meatgrinder I will be happy. Of course you can't relate because we are fundamentally different people.

Anonymous 117787

Introverts vs extroverts, the thread

Anonymous 117792

I am average looking and i do NOT have social capital. In fact i was getting gangstalked for 10 years and my whole life started going down the tubes. I just realized the whole reason my life was miserable was because of people. I had and still have NOTHING to start with. I could not get a job all summer because i needed to cool down from the stalking. I started to wonder why i was living the way i was, having any regard for anybody i don't personally know and trust. Because people are deeply backwards, they're secretly ruled by lust for rage. I mean all of my friends went in other directions, dissapeared. People are unreliable in my life accept for family. Cutting their influence out made such a huge positive impact on my life.

Anonymous 117795

And yeah it DID feel like a constant negative feedback loop. The only thing that added meaning to my life was writing about absolutely everything. Moids are such shit measuring sticks for personal happiness. More often than anything they make your life worse.

You sound like you go in imagining how your life would improve if you had x. But it sounds like your projecting onto a scenario you haven't lived in. Kinda sounds like hoping to have a baby thinking it would improve your life, whereas it would make it worse.

That is only adding hellish complication to your life. You can do virtually anything you want when you're alone. Even when you only have a cubicle job. You can go anywhere, read anything, make anything, have any pets you want. Holy f there are so many damn things you can do and nobody can say a damn thing. For me its not a matter of being "together" its a matter of being able to do what i want and genuinely enjoy it instead of put on shitty performance for people who are gonna cut you down and hate you anyway. The only thing that matters to me personally is creative freedom even if its in a bathroom. Creativity is like a drug, a moid would basically suck the life out of that, and complicate it.

Anonymous 117796

even if its in solitude ** kek

Boy my life makes moids so mad they cannot even step away from their obsession for five minutes. The more they obsessive over me though. The more i pull away and into my own little world.

Anonymous 117797


Just a young 35yo woman still just finding her way in life

Anonymous 117798

if you were a real woman you would not post that repulsively ugly face anywhere on this board.

Anonymous 117799

i would cut off his dick and pour acid on that fucking face. drag him through town behind my truck until he was a tangle of endtrails.

Anonymous 117801

Yeah these threads are all fake and gay. The only other threads that seem to have actual posters that aren’t bait are just the endless my bf posts. I feel so jaded with female spaces online and half the posters here aren’t even women to begin with

Anonymous 117802

Judging from the NSFW board though, most women really do post here though.

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