Impossible to not be a pick-me? Anonymous 117774
My whole life I've been ostracized by girls from even before kindergarten. I don't have a boyfriend and my only two friends don't respond to my texts. I'm nice, understanding, and supportive to the two friends I have now but they still don't even respond to my messages. They only call or text me when they need to vent to me about something. They're really nice in person but when we aren't together, they facetime while ignoring my texts, which I don't even spam text them..just one text asking to hang out or something funny. The other day, a friend I had in high school reached out to me asking how I've been, I responded naturally and asked her how has she been and she didn't respond back even though she reached out. Is it impossible to have female friends now a days? I've had horrible luck with girls I just want a close female friend but I can't even get that. The only thing that makes me feel better is if I sh..
Anonymous 117778
start drinking; i know it's bad but sh is worse.
Anonymous 117779
>>117778But drinking alone is boring i only drink if its a night out
Anonymous 117784
i would be your friend anon but unfortunately im underage, i hope it gets better for you
Anonymous 117800
>>117774Women are just as bad to be friends with as moids. Even when i had a decent group of female friends in high school and college, they were only friends to want something from you. I wouldn't even be surprised. It doesn't matter what you do, women friends are just as horrible as males. I think idealizing women as friends is idiotic.
Anonymous 117803
>>117800Yeah I've realized that now at 23. Also I've tried being friends with males but they just want to date me or sleep with me. Friends suck
Anonymous 117804

>>117803Well no, there will be 1 or 2 out of the dozens of people you know who wont suck. But my god do most of them suck.
Anonymous 117949
I have friends now at 22 but didn't have any until 19ish.
My best advice is to find an already functional friend group to join. If you can go to clubs or events and meet people who appear similar to you, you might be able to integrate with them.
I feel like friend groups with both men and women are always less pressure, more casual.
Anonymous 117955
>>117779and do you ever have a night out tho?