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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Anonymous 117910

What does a happy and healthy relationship look like?

Anonymous 117932

The man should always be more in love with the woman, not the other way around

Anonymous 118023

I like to imagine that both parties love each other equally, and both party can live without one another, but the existence of each other makes life better for both of them.

Anonymous 118041

>>The man should always be more in love with the woman, not the other way around

this is sadly correct. the man needs to be more in love with the woman because women already innately feel and think about everything on an intrinsically deeper level than most men. most women subconsciously date with marriage in mind but if the man loves you more, he will show actual investment and won’t be as quick to give up.

Anonymous 118220

very real, women already tend to select more for marriage material than not if they're not looking for a quick fuck and/or are stupid.
men, stupid and smart, will go for a quick fuck whether the girl is or isn't marriage material. real love is (much) more important on the man's side of things if you really must measure between the two. the alternative is the mess that lots of women are facing because of shitty, nonreciprocal men

Anonymous 118227

1. he trusts you with everything
2. he never lies
3. he doesn't watch porn or if he does he's willing to stop for you, he's hoenst about his sexual habits and if you don't like something he won't neg you for it
4. he likes to do everything with you and take you wherever you want
5. he's interested in you as a person
6. sex with him feels actually intimate and loving and not like a porn clip
7. you're always there for each other
8. physical affection isn't limited to when you're just horny
9. putting effort into the relationship, like planning the future and when you'll move in together, marriage, if you want kids

Anonymous 118262

You're just mad that women already meet most of these quotas and men don't kek. Not wanting to date a lying piece of shit that jerks off to porn daily doesn't make one a sociopath

Besides, most of them don't imply the man is the only one doing it. Seethe harder retard, you know most moids are hedonistic idiots who don't care about the relationship + they want to have their cake and eat it too mentality (wanting constant access to as many women as possible while having a live-in personal maid)

Anonymous 118339


It looks like two women together. Notice the lack of a man in the relationship: this is critical.

Anonymous 118342

Unfortunately, the only way this could happen is for the man to be way under your league. Unless you find an unicorn.

Anonymous 118343


No idea. Romantic feelings make me feel weird. I really struggle with all kinds of affection. Pain in the fucking ass that it was decided it's the woman's role to be the feels feeler AND expected to express them. I'm only annoyed that it made me unable to form female friendships. When it come to men I just flick it and the desire to pursue contact is gone(for the day).

Anonymous 118392

>it was decided it's the woman's role to be the feels feeler AND expected to express them

this. I want a moid who is completely fine with me being stoic or unexpressive as usual. No good moid should be emotional and expressive though

Anonymous 118415

>No good moid should be emotional and expressive though
What the hell are you talking about?

Anonymous 118426

Based, what about raccoon moids though?

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