How to be able to exercise Anonymous 117957
Unfortunately a fat nona here
Happens to me that I've been years living alone, I work at home and of course I'm depressed with no friends around.
I'm around my 30's so at my age trying to have friends is really weird, no one at my age wants friends at all and going to places alone suck, even going to the gym (ive got made fun of me once and decided not to go anymore).
I barely go out, I only go outside when I have to get my prescription meds.
Other than that the motivation to go out and have some sun on the skin doesn't exist.
How you do it nonas?
And yeah I eat like shit, I don't even try to cook sometimes since is depressing eating alone.
I barely shower either, I'm on my own filth and once per week I shower or 2 times per month (I clean myself tho, water and soap but I'll not get my clothes off and go under the shower).
And no romantic partner, but I'm not interested in anything like real, I barely have libido.
Any way to get motivated to be healthy? Other than that I don't care, I don't want to be pretty or anything, I just want to be able to say "I want to really get some exercise" or "I should take a walk".
I live in a city, and near me are no trees or parks, so having a walk and get some fresh air it's kinda unsatisfying since there's no place to sit down a bit and see some green.
My cycle is sleep, get up, eat, work, eat again, work again, and go to sleep, just like a few steps in my small apartment.
I don't have social anxiety or anything, but damn… Years alone in forced isolation (I can't get other job) sucks, wish I had parents or something to even visit, I have nothing, is really annoying having nothing worth to get up other than getting dollars and pay shit.
Not even clothes or anything works, buying clothes is pointless since I'm at home 24/7, I need to be in comfy clothing while working is pointless using a dress and wear make up.
Sorry for the long vent, is just annoying. I even offered someone to pay her the gym so she can go out with me and said no lmao.
Is depressing being all day at a place, having to move is just pointless sometimes if life is the same everyday, I used to be fit back then but now is like why
If I were to explain how lonely I am, is like moid loneliness, the one there on the screen all day, no friends, no family, just myself, all day.
Anonymous 117958
>>117957damn I even wrote the whole post as shit.
Sorry nonas, I'm retarded.
Anonymous 117959
>>117957Wait wait you never take your clothes off when you shower??? come again??
Anonymous 117960
As a former fat nona, I'd say start by changing your diet. Eating the right nutrients and drinking water will improve your mood. When you're feeling better go on walks while listening to a podcast and don't push yourself too much, once or twice a week is great to get started.
Also, take care of yourself. Take a shower, use moisturizer, do some skincare. It's for you, not for anyone else.
We are close in age, I moved to another country so I don't have any friends either. People think it's easy to just get motivated but it's not.
Anonymous 117963
>>117960i'm sometimes afraid of getting into exercise not because I don't like it, but since I've got mental issues I get obsessed or too stupid, I used to have body dysmorphia when I was younger and got into mia/ana shit so welp, schizo.
How did you do it tho? I am glad that you got over it, congratz and I hope you're in a safe place.
Well, reading you makes me get motivated a bit ngl.
Anonymous 117964
>>117959Sorry is night for me atm, dumb me hehe.
I shower without clothes of course.
Anonymous 118057

>>117963Out of spite first, then I started to get results and kept going.
I'm not infallible though, some days are harder than others. You just can't let a bad day turn into a worse week.
Anonymous 118069
I’m gonna put this nicely l. Just because you’re fat doesn’t mean you should stop taking care of yourself. I’m a big girl. I still wash my face everyday. Shower everyday. It’ll make you feel better about yourself. Work on small things like that. Then work your way up to exercise. Invest in a walking pad. It helps. You can stay at home and watch tv while you walk.
Anonymous 118074
>>117957>How do you do itAt some point you just have to get up and go. Don't think about it. Thinking about it stops it from happening. Take action in the moment, count down and go "5,4,3,2,1" then get up and go.
Go on walks. Even small amounts of movement help boost your metabolism - you won't sweat out the calories but it'll help your body process food better.
Stop eating poison. You're allowed to pig out still, but pig out on fresh fruit and home-cooked meals. Once you get in the habit of prepping meals for the week it becomes easier.
You only resist doing what's right because it's something different, not because it's something hard. I would encounter the same resistance if I tried to go from my lifestyle to yours.
Anonymous 118140
>>117957honestly, there are a ton of factors to consider.
1. Do you have any pain? Be careful when doing any sort of exercise if you suffer from pain that isn't being managed and mitigated via rehab and the like.
2. If you don't have any pain, consider what it is you want. Basic health and fitness? Consider what the means to you first. For some people, that means being able to do at least 5 pullups. If that appeals to you, you may look for a nearby park with monkey bars and focus on the progressions there.
3. Don't fall for the bodyweight fitness trap that is so prevalent in fitness. It may seem like a great idea to start with bodyweight training as you don't require any equipment except maybe a pullup bar (if you want to do pullups at home), but frankly speaking, most people are simply too weak to even start with bodyweight training either due to pain or muscular imbalances caused by years of physical neglect and abuse.
4. Nutrition is the most important thing for losing weight.
5. Do not rely on fitness to fix your life, focus on accomplishing goals in the realm of fitness.
Anonymous 118197
>>117957Diet is the most important thing, as others have said already. You're carrying a lot of bodyweight, which makes a lot of exercise far harder. And if the weight in any exercise is too much, priority is to reduce it rather than push through and risk injury.
If you're the kind of person who benefits from structures and a plan to follow, then focusing on macronutrients and calories are your best bet. Here's a rough guide for calculating what yours should be: that's too much and you'd rather wing it, then just work on cutting out snacks and eating more protein. Its important even if you're not actively working out.
If you can eat better and lose weight, it'll have knock on effects in so many ways, including helping loneliness. Try to focus on that. You want to go farther afield and find greenery, get used to a gym, go to hobby groups and meet people- your body is your friend in all of this. It'll get you where you need to go faithfully if you treat it right.
And lastly, if you're in a city, maybe there's weight loss groups you can join. Nothing to help cut through social etiquette and get to honest friendship more than a sincerely shared goal and struggle.
You can do it. Eat better and you'll have no choice but to lose weight. Everything else you want will be more attainable for it. Good luck
Anonymous 119058
I really enjoy going for a walk in the mornings. I get my favorite coffee and walk around for a while sometimes. I live in a big city too and its kinda boring cause its always the same but recently a new store has opened up close to me so I go there sometimes and look to see if they have new hello kitty things. You could try going on walks while listening to audiobooks also :)