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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

Talk about relationships of all kinds, ask for advice, or just vent

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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Identifying Audience Members Anonymous 118251

Audience members who derive entertainment out of unwilling volunteers need to be identified and slowly filtered out of society.

These people typically tend to exacerbate their own moral failings by gossiping, sharing info about, and lol'ing at people they watch, who did not consent to and are pretty clearly distressed by such behavior.

> dogwhistle, which will not be identifiable to anyone else except the people they are dogwhistling to. Observe the reactions of those around you and determine if this is the case.
> gang stalk and talk about others without their presence or knowledge.
> reveal information about a person that otherwise wouldn't be knowable, namely, the person they observe going through distress.
> tend to be extremely NPC/a-log minded.
> are often cowardly, spineless, and incapable of critical moral thought.
> do not seem to understand the purpose of the line between the public and private sphere.

In conclusion, people who document, gang stalk, and a-log random volunteers should also be a-logged and documented.

It's fair.

Anonymous 118252

And they should be gang stalked as well if they partake in such activity.

Anonymous 118300

A random bump.

People in groups tend to be dum and circlejerk over how angry an individual makes them, exacerbating malicious tendencies. Which is why gang stalking is bad.

Gang stalk gang stalkers.

Anonymous 118302

Really, if you guilty reading this post - maybe it's because you're still doing it?

So just don't.

Gang stalk gang stalkers. Treat others how you'd want to be treated.

Anonymous 118303

if you

Anonymous 118309

gang stalk gang stalkers

Anonymous 118315

do not gang stalk people. every person that gets gang stalked ends up being gang stalked themselves.

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