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Identifying Audience Members Anonymous 118251

Audience members who derive entertainment out of unwilling volunteers need to be identified and slowly filtered out of society.

These people typically tend to exacerbate their own moral failings by gossiping, sharing info about, and lol'ing at people they watch, who did not consent to and are pretty clearly distressed by such behavior.

> dogwhistle, which will not be identifiable to anyone else except the people they are dogwhistling to. Observe the reactions of those around you and determine if this is the case.
> gang stalk and talk about others without their presence or knowledge.
> reveal information about a person that otherwise wouldn't be knowable, namely, the person they observe going through distress.
> tend to be extremely NPC/a-log minded.
> are often cowardly, spineless, and incapable of critical moral thought.
> do not seem to understand the purpose of the line between the public and private sphere.

In conclusion, people who document, gang stalk, and a-log random volunteers should also be a-logged and documented.

It's fair.

Anonymous 118252

And they should be gang stalked as well if they partake in such activity.

Anonymous 118300

A random bump.

People in groups tend to be dum and circlejerk over how angry an individual makes them, exacerbating malicious tendencies. Which is why gang stalking is bad.

Gang stalk gang stalkers.

Anonymous 118302

Really, if you guilty reading this post - maybe it's because you're still doing it?

So just don't.

Gang stalk gang stalkers. Treat others how you'd want to be treated.

Anonymous 118309

gang stalk gang stalkers

Anonymous 118419



Anonymous 118421

isn't this pretty much lolcow.farm

Anonymous 118427

stalkers in general should be stalked.

Anonymous 118428

they should have their entire lives, beliefs, photos of them constantly sought after. they should be made to feel paranoid for the rest of their life. people should go after stalker/gang stalkers the same way they go after the people they stalk.

Anonymous 118429

its really that simple. people who invade other people's privacy should have their own privacy forcefully invaded.

Anonymous 118430

people who doxx and talk about others in secret should be doxxed and talked about in random groups.

its really that simple.

Anonymous 118436

I think the excuse they use is that they're not stalking anyone, they're just archiving publicly available information and commenting on it. It's sort of like saying im not robbing a bank, im just moving some money from a bank to my wallet.

Anonymous 118437

yeah but some people didnt break the rules though.
>It's sort of like saying im not robbing a bank, im just moving some money from a bank to my wallet.
get fukt

Anonymous 118439

im referencing the use of the analogy here by the way. not people, at least, to the point it makes sense.
robbing banks is immoral though
get fukt x2

Anonymous 118443

It's obvious once you've been around those types of circles that gangstalkers use that excuse to make the useful idiots around them feel like they're not as malicious as they really are.

Anonymous 118496

gang stalking is so heckin based and not cringe
its almost like being in a state of anxiety and paranoia increases the odds of you doing a bad thing. people should gang stalk gang stalkers, maybe even entangle and indoctrinate their family members, children, real life associates, and friends into doing so

Anonymous 118497

sooo not true nona

Anonymous 118498

they should feel as much paranoia and anxiety just as the people they stalk.

Anonymous 118499

they should be inundated with as much traumatizing symbols, dogwhistling, and outward aggressive behavior as possible. they should have everyone indoctrinated against them, including their family. why not gang stalk their family, who don't even understand what would be happening? just like the people they stalk.

Anonymous 118510

gang stalk gang stalkers. why not their children as well? the people they stalk were someone else's children. it's fair isn't it.

Anonymous 118511

Anonymous 118534

they should get exactly what they fucking do unto others. advertise something as anonymous to their family, fuck, maybe even claim that their real life identities have been leaked on this site - spam them with traumatizing porn, secretly record them, then gaslight them into thinking their reactions justify being gang stalked. never. say. shit to them. for fucking years. exactly what they do to others.

Anonymous 118538

whoever fucking doxxed me for conversations on an anonymous site we ALL were fucking having

i hope you get mentally molested every day for the rest of your life and you never sleep a fucking wink.

Anonymous 118545

gang stalkers should be followed around everywhere they go.

they should be dogwhistled at everywhere online and in real life, have everyone around them, in real life and online, indoctrinated against them and their family or children. they should feel constant paranoia and anxiety and the people that gang stalk them should never speak to them directly, instead exacerbating their cruel behavior over time with more and more people appended to the list as they react to said cruel behavior. this should go on for years, and the gang stalking behavior should never relent itself.

they should have their mental health obliterated, just like they do to others.

Anonymous 118548

Just face it moid the male loneliness epidemic is here to stay. Its only going to get worse with orange retard shitting up the usa. I mean could you have kicked yourself in the balls any harder? No. No because you somehow manage to double down and make yourselves even less appealing with every passing decade. Yaoi for life, etc etc

Anonymous 118552

gang stalkers should have their and their family's privacy invaded every single day even if it distresses them. they should be nitpicked for every single thing that betrays moral perfection and laughed at, by even the most degenerate of degenerates. people who are indoctrinated into their gang should nag, target, and moralfag them and paint them as a bad person for needing privacy.

Anonymous 118553

do i know you personally? i feel like maybe one of us does.

cus i would just look at this post, normally, and be like, okay. and move on with my life. it would be stupid to get butthurt over something like that y'know. not. personal. i definitely like this site and like a lot of the nonas on here, even if they don't exist anymore or you cant recognize them because people suck and infiltrate everything you like

Anonymous 118562

gang stalk gang stalkers dig life ruining and mental health ruining pitfalls everywhere around them and their family members just like they do for others blackmail them eradicate their mental health never let them not feel paranoia ever. just like they do for others

Anonymous 118563

gang stalk gang stalkers politicize every aspect and minutiae of their existence never let them relax ever never let them breathe ever. just like they do for others. never let them be a person never let them have fun politicize everything theyve ever thought dreamt or experienced with made up stories and reductive divisive agendas ostracize them from everyone and pit them against others actively make their existence a living hell just like they do for others

Anonymous 118569


Anonymous 118570

do not mean to spam but i think this is actually pretty problematic in modern society.

Anonymous 118571

no one is gangstalking anyone youre all fucking nuts

Anonymous 118579

Seriously, what is "gang stalk" even supposed to mean? I have only ever heard of this concept on skitzo boards like /x/.

Anonymous 118587

gang stalk gang stalkers
spam them with traumatizing porn everywhere they go. pit them against others forever. just like they do with others.

Anonymous 118588

it means a-logging otherwise rational people in groups. like cults. the form it takes online is extremely insidious and detrimental to online privacy, especially if you use "anonymous" (i'm sure many actually are) IBs.

Anonymous 118634

evil. gang stalking liars. privacy invaders.

gang stalkers should have their childrens privacy invaded. they should have their privacy invaded. gang stalking, rapist privacy invaders. gang stalk gang stalkers

Anonymous 118635

gang stalking evil people. gang stalk gang stalkers. evil people. ruin their privacy. ruin their childrens privacy. like they do for others.

Anonymous 118636

gang stalk gang stalkers. lie to them. they are evil liars. gang stalk gang stalkers. make them feel paranoia every day, make their children feel paranoia every day. invade their privacy. invade every private aspect of their life. invade their childrens privacy. look through their phones. look through their childrens phones. invade every private aspect of their childrens life. just like they do for others.

Anonymous 118637

look through their computers. archive everything about them. look through their childrens computers. archive everything about their children. gang stalk them. just like they do to others.

Anonymous 118639

gang stalk their children. archive everything about their children. stalk them, stalk their children. record them, record everything about their children. gang stalk them, gang stalk their children. share everything about them, share everything about their children to strangers.

just like they do for others.

Anonymous 118640

gang stalk gang stalkers. look through their familys phones, look through their pcs. look through their gmail. inform everything about them to strangers. mentally rape them, mentally rape their family. just like they do to others.

Anonymous 118655


I think OP is talking about lolcows and the whole "culture" of online stalking, gossiping, alogging them. Think what kiwifarms, lolcow farm, and other places do. It sometimes extends to following normal people and trying to make them into lolcow material for some minor online mistakes.

In reality, this is nothing new. The nature of gossiping, tattle-telling, making people into outgroup and ostracizing them over smallest things, making fun off them to feel better about themselves, its all what old neighborhood croaks and auntys do. Except now its from the comfort of your room.

It can all be described in one sentence - Losers making fun of other losers, trying to feel good about themselves. They have nothing going in their lives so they focus on other's lives too much. They seek entertainment and consolation from their target's misery, thinking "Heh, what a pathetic loser. Atleast I'm not as downbad as them, heehee". Unsurprising behavior from terminally-online people who spend 12 hours a day obsessing others' lives and every minute negative aspect of someone fumbling down. It shows they have no meaningful time spenders in their life, so they spend time on others.

Remember - original contributors of cwcwiki turned out even worse than christine herself, ended up begging for money too. And gained no clout, no support.

Anonymous 118658

that's schizo

Anonymous 118722

them and their family should be recorded without their permission and doxxed irl for extremely morally sanctimonious and hypocritical reasons. they should be fucked with relentlessly and lied to about their harassment, and kept in a constant state of paranoia. just like they do to others.

Anonymous 118723

by irl. fucking people.

Anonymous 118726


Anonymous 118727


Anonymous 118730

gang stalk gang stalkers. literally make their life a living fucking hell like they do for others. make fun of their assault. if they react in distress, ignore them. like they do for others.

Anonymous 118731

people should make up fucked up stories to make fun of their assault. and indirectly reference their assault at all times. they should never be able to forget about it. just like they do to others.

Anonymous 118733

they should have 500 made up stories made up about them, by random fucking strangers, to aggravate them and make fun of their fucking assault. like they do. for others.

Anonymous 118760

whoa nona. thats really fucked up. i cant believe that happened.

Anonymous 118761

did they at least tell you about it personally? i cant believe people did that.

Anonymous 118763

no nona. they didnt say anything at all

Anonymous 118764

wow nona. what a bunch of fucked up people.

Anonymous 118766

the exact same things they did to others should happen to them. they should feel exactly how they make others feel.

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