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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 118416

does anyone have something they would rely on to talk to people on the internet? I used to go on omegle a lot before it was shut down, it was fun to be able to talk to strangers without any real consequences, and depending on the tag you would put it the people weren't too bad. A lot of stereotypes. I feel like the new internet has made it so I can't really talk to anyone at all, I've found a new alternative omegleapp.me and it's still pretty terrible but I made a new female friend on there yesterday.

MY QUESTION is where do people do to actually talk to people? Everyone has told me twitter but I've not seen anyone really talking on there… I just don't get it.

Anonymous 118418

Discord seems pretty common, but I haven't been able to get much into it either. Feels super awkward to join an established server and just start yapping away?

Anonymous 118442

If you're cool with learning a new language HelloTalk can work for this. There's lots of thirsty moids to sift through but since you mentioned Omegle I'm sure that's nothing new to you.

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