Anonymous 118450
subject sums this up. i have to start thinking about college, and i have no clue what to do and where i wanna go. i think i want to get a degree in communications, but i have no clue what college i want to go to. i told my mom about all of this last night, and she basically forced me to listen to a youtube video with her about going to ivy leagues. it was a girl talking about her experience and she said that her GPA was a fucking 4.9. you know what my mom said? "well, we know you're not getting into an ivy." i literally turned it off a few minutes later and told her "this video makes me want to kill myself" which was a joke, but it does fill me with an absolute sense of dread.
my parents have always pressure me into doing well in school, which i don't mind, i guess. but, they don't give me any guidance. it's not their fault because they both grew up poor, and neither of them finished college. but i still have had to live with these pressures my whole life and i don't feel like i can live up to them. i barely have any extracurricular. i have concert band, marching band, jazz band, less than a year as a social media manager for an ethnic club at school, and participation a community organization. i'm a completely average student. my gpa is a weighted 3.7 and an unweighted 3.5. i'm not gonna be able too get into any college. i would like to go to USouthern California (i think) but i doubt i'll be able to get in.
any nonas feeling the same way or have gone through the same thing? i've been thinking about volunteering at a local library, volunteering within the org i was talking about, starting a blog (and tiktok account to go with it), or possibly starting a small business