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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Anonymous 118491

I want to kill my mother
I have been seriously considering it and the consequences
Only thing impeding it is that I don’t want another trauma for my sister

As lame as it is I have to ask for government help and a social worker’s going to help me find a house to live with other fucked up people
I don’t know how much time will this take

I’m at my limit. I’ve been self harming everyday and some cuts are so deep they scared me for some time

She doesn’t allow me to be in the same room as her, sometimes doesn’t allow me to eat, will wake me up on purpose, trash talks about me in front of others and makes me say she’s the best mom, tells me to kill myself and yells about everything

I tried to hang myself two weeks ago but I’m so stupid I failed

what if I find housing
I’d have to find another shitty fast food job
I don’t have money to study
will I just be condemned to work and survive?
She fucked up two kids and she’ll never have consequences?
She thinks she’s the victim when she blamed me for getting assaulted by her fucking family

I don’t know if I should just kill her or myself or keep living without a purpose

Anonymous 118501

I need you to live in spite of your cunt bitch mother.

Find some wagie job, live in a shelter or an apartment with a bunch of roommates so you can get away from her. It WILL suck, but it won't be living with your mother levels of suck. If you work hard you CAN get out, get your own food, and get into school for business or whatever.

Live in spite of her efforts to kill you. I believe in you nona!

Anonymous 118514

you should try tipping your mother to social services and even to psychiatrics if she is really this unhinged

Anonymous 118515

Stand up for yourself. Fools receive beatings even in church.

Anonymous 118518

You are more than your mother's daughter. It may not look like it, but you have a future beyond her.

Anonymous 118568

It seems we are in the same boat, Nona. My mother has been equally as horrible to me. I'm sorry to hear you're forced to endure this same torture.

Does your mother have a history of any drug abuse? Is there anything that causes her behavior?

For me, my mother has been abusing drugs since her teen years. Her brain is all fucked up and she's just a degenerate "human" being. Most atrocious, heinous, whoreish, sinful, corrupted, appalling sorry excuse of a woman.

Anonymous 118646

Are you asian?

Anonymous 118677

she doesn’t even drink, she’s just an asshole kek

sorry for what you are going through right now, I hope things get better

Anonymous 118678

latin american


Anonymous 118696

I don't want to kill my mom but I cannot wait until she is dead. She's had untreated mental illness and narcissistic main character syndrome all her life. It's who she is and will never change. Every bad thing she has ever done, if she can admit she did it, had a reason that absolves her from accountability. Her problems are always bigger than mine, even when objectively not so. She is always the victim unless her mood flavor is pretending to blame herself to milk sympathy.
I could go on but she's sick in the head and didn't give me a very supportive nor good life for it.

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