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sooo… I farted in front of my 3 year boyfriend Anonymous 118617

…in my sleep nonetheless. When he openly lets it rip in front of me in the day and night. The next day he let me know, acting like he’s bringing it up randomly as a joke. He followed it up by claiming that “I shouldn’t worry about it” but he would prefer if I didn’t (as if I have control over it when I’m passed out). I’m at a loss of words because I legitimately thought this man was in love with me and this feels very distinctly not like love. Am I overreacting?

Anonymous 118621

If he loved you, he would marry you.

Anonymous 118622

Imagine not controlling your sphincter in your sleep.

Anonymous 118625

Next time he farts in front of you, make an even bigger deal out of it. Use it as an opportunity to break up with him while you're at it. He sounds like a stupid douchebag!

Anonymous 118645

Apart from this incident he was always nice to me so I’ll let him down gently and tell him I simply can’t be in a fartless marriage

Anonymous 118650

Was he serious about it or just joking? Cause it's normal to be mildly disgusted when someone farts, you know.

Anonymous 118656

I think he likes you but doesn’t love you. The other day I farted repeatedly like a pig in my bf’s room because I had a stomach ache. We ended up laughing like idiots. Yeah the smell is bad but when the gas leak comes from someone you love, it doesn’t affect you like it was some strangers fart you know?

Anonymous 118681

It isn't an issue of love. He's a type of "high" maintenance. Suppose you had a friend you took out to have dinner with, and you found out they were really picky about their food, so like they'd absolutely refuse to eat stuff like mushrooms or onions or fish and make a fuss. Would you bring them out to eat at non-basic places again? Would this stop you from being their friend? What if this friend is also the type to not take a sip of a drink when offered? Is it bad that they're not the type of person to want to sip from a vessel that has already been sipped from even though most people don't care? Is it bad if they're "germaphobic" in this way?

Is it bad for somebody to not like farts? Of course not. But not being able to take em? I was in middle school when I scolded a boy to grow up for mentioning out loud when some other boy next to us farted. As an adult, it's not up to us to force non-harm-related preferences onto others (nothing wrong with being vocal against racist/sexists ideas, and ideally you'd want to push good habits onto your children), but we do have a choice on who we hang out with and when. Good habit to not eat out with picky eaters. Good habit to not hang with party poopers when you want to have fun. Your bf not liking farts isn't bad, per se. But would I want to be with someone who is super fussy about farts or picky food or basic sharing or etc.? Nope, couldn't be me.

Also, for your situation, your bf could also be against farts because he has a vision of what is "proper" for a woman, e.g. clean, couth, no farts. Also a preference, but would I want to be with someone with this vision? Nope, couldn't be me.

Talk with him about why he feels this way. Gather info first

Anonymous 118682

idk i really don't like it when my mom or any family member does it in front of me. i think if you really can't help it its fine but you should try not to.

op i think obviously you didnt mean to, tell him that you didn't mean to and thats it rude of him to bring it up and then just let it go if he doesn't have any other major issues.

Anonymous 118708

idk. i fart on my bf of 3 yrs on purpose.

Anonymous 119324

What does it mean if your BF/husband is really (pardon the pun) anal about not farting on or around you? Mine basically is like an inverted version of yours: really weird about sleeping together due to fart related issues, only he's more concerned about farting on me than me farting on him. He is pretty serious about this as he insisted on us having two beds in our bedroom when we bought/furnished our house. When I asked him what made him so shy about farting in front of others he said he grew up with his Mom telling stories about his grandpa never farting or going around the house shirtless, and it stuck with him as the right thing to do. His story seems to check out but nevertheless sometimes I worry that he's actually concerned about my farts and is saying he is trying to protect me from his farts just to be polite.

Anonymous 119538

Why are you dating a 3 year old isn’t that illegal

Anonymous 119549

Does he also expects you not to shit too? Farting is such a non issue unless you sit on his face and give him pinkeye.
He’s childish, eat some chipotle , fart and break up.

Anonymous 119550

Not that you have to be happy about funky smells, but recognizing it as a natural body phenomenon is …the bare minimum? Everyone farts, I fart at least three times a day.
Anyway I think that men like your bf over idealize women into these “pure beings” and end up disappointed when they don’t live up to it. But maybe I’m schizo and overblowing the whole thing.

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