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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

Talk about relationships of all kinds, ask for advice, or just vent

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 118662

>try online dating
>everything seems to go well
>they randomly block you
>not sure if i should ask if they're okay or just take the hint

Why is this so common?

Anonymous 118663

>just take the hint
you could be doing everything right and this would still happen. dont blame yourself. theres something wrong with those people. dont date through that stuff

Anonymous 118676

I think men on dating apps are really just looking for hookups. like think about it, their seeing pretty girl after pretty girl so they probably get distracted by that and don't wanna do anything serious.

I met my bf on /soc/ so maybe give that a shot.

Anonymous 119341

where on /soc/ did you meet your bf? I thought that board was mostly disgusting coomers and degenerate NEETs.

Anonymous 119346

What the previous nona said, dating apps are no longer dating apps but rather hookup apps. I personally don't use them but a few friends of mine have and they've told me as such, so it worked out for them and their short-lived hoe phase.
The ghosting and random blocking still happens on /soc/, not everyone there is a disgrace to the human race but looking for those people limits your options a bit and it still doesn't save you from people doing that to you. Honestly I think you might be better off using the friend threads if you just want someone to talk to or game with.

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