Anonymous 118725
No idea what to study or do with my life, I’m just working half time at fast food
I have a good head but got burned out and after going to a psych ward after graduation my mental health only declined
Would like to know what kind of job or study y’all have
What even is a good career this days??
Anonymous 118728
im jealous that you have a part time job at least. im neeting and rotting away
Anonymous 118729
I'm pretty much in the same boat OP, supposed to graduate this fall, but I'm worried I'll screw it up somehow.
Idek what I want to do to start out, maybe pharmacy tech since I do have a license and my degree's set to be in Chemistry, but it feels so overwhelming, managing it all
Anonymous 118732
I'm currently a manager at a fast food place, I originally wanted to go to college but my ACT scores when I was still in school made me lose motivation :(. I want out but I'm kinda stuck here for the time being since I need to pay rent and don't have a car.
Anonymous 118738
I teach English at a language school in Japan. I'm smart enough to graduate with a ba in humanities but not much else. I like it a lot, and I'm good with kids.
Anonymous 118739
Been neeting for the past few years, don't want a job or more education. I hate people and daydreaming feels nice.
Anonymous 118740
>>118739homeschooling is unironically based
Anonymous 118741
>>118740I recognize your wisdom, although the tides of the world seem to be set against it.
Anonymous 118748
>>118739my dream life is genuinely neeting but i can't see a plausible future where i can do that without leeching off welfare or something. and i don't wanna do that. so, uni career it is…