I think I accidentally stalked/harassed a guy Anonymous 118749
There’s this guy at my university who I instantly was attracted to when I met him, I approached him, we exchanged numbers and texted a few times. I wanted to be in a relationship with him because I rarely find guys who I feel intense physical attraction for He told me he wasn’t looking for a relationship right now, but I figured I could just wait it out. I sent him a really long text explaining how physically attracted I was to him, not saying I wanted a relationship but that I’d be willing to wait, he didn’t respond so I deleted his number and didn’t text him again. I knew he went to the gym so I kept on showing up at the gym just to see him. I would just make eye contact on my way in, then run on the treadmill a bit, not approaching. Today I decided to go up to him and say something, and he told me to stop bothering him. I said ok and left the gym immediately. I guess I won’t be going to the gym again. It’s frustrating how none of the guys I like ever like me back. I was actually holding back how obsessive I could be. I guess my gushy text expressing how I liked his physical appearance was a bit overboard. I wish I was a normal person and not a socially reclusive broken retard. I want to kill myself so bad
Anonymous 118750
I actually still hope he’ll appreciate how I backed down immediately and wasn’t forceful. I hope he changes his mind but I know that’s probably insane
Anonymous 118765
>>118749yeaahhh you should probably take a break from relationships yourself like the guy
Anonymous 118767
Anon, please seek therapy.
Anonymous 118782

>>118749Did you fall for a Jojo character when you look like that windowlicker Aphex Twin?
>>118750Just relax, take it as a loss and meditate on why you think you need this one person. Why do you think you are insane? Why are you so willingly behaving like a delulu person? Why are you going to kill yourself because a man wanted to be alone? Men have feeling you can't just expect pussy power to always win. Especially like… that.
Trust me, I am right there to kid.
Anonymous 118795
OP didn't reply to any posts so it was probably a larp.
Anonymous 118927
>I sent him a really long text explaining how physically attracted I was to him, not saying I wanted a relationship but that I’d be willing to wait
Anonymous 118933
>>118927It's sad and kinda pathetic how she gave up a lot of her dignity to simp for this guy.
Anonymous 118951
Hot guys are like rare diamonds in an enormous heap of trash. They are either aware of how good looking they are and exploit it for personal gain, manipulation and ego stroking, or they are unaware at the hidden power and potential they have of owning pretty privilege. The latter are the hottest and rarest and often have the greatest personalities, those are they guys I would date (and have dated)
Anonymous 118974
I think it's just commenting on being a hot guy, not claiming to be one. Are you upset about the poster or the message?
Anonymous 118993
who wouldnt be hurt over you lying about rape in this porn addict larp? dumb tranny. you have no conscience. just an identity to feed your subhuman lies in this gay reddit post
Anonymous 120221
God I wish that was me
Anonymous 120334
I have the same problem as u op, except the guy I'm obsessed w isn't even attractive. Idk why I'm so fixated on him. I guess it's cause it's super hard for me to be attracted to ppl (it happens like once every 3 years) so when I meet someone I think i have some kind of chemistry w it becomes an obsession. P sure I'm gonna die alone. I haven't seen my guy in 6mo but I still message him tho he barely replies.
Anonymous 120340
>>118749>I sent him a really long text explaining how physically attracted I was to himYeah huge mistake, dont do that