have you been the other woman? Anonymous 118805
have you ever been the other woman? did you know you were the other woman? were you ok with being the other woman? what did you do when you found out? how long did it last? how did you feel? how did the girlfriend or wife react to you? talk about your experience.
Anonymous 118823

>have you ever been the other woman?
yeah to a one night stand in uni, i didn't plan to see him again and he was visiting the city anyway so i didn't care, another was a coworker who lead me on, also i was sexually assaulted by a family member and his retarded gf viewed it as cheating and stayed with him lmao but i feel like that doesn't count
>did you know you were the other woman?
saw "wifey" on his phone and his mates confirmed it later, the coworker deliberately hid it from me so i had to hear it from friend of friends that he had a gf he was allergic to mentioning
>were you ok with being the other woman?
didn't care with the ons, the coworker kinda fucked me off but i decided against cucking his gf because it's likely a matter of time before he cucks me
>what did you do when you found out?
nothing, i didn't have the ons on social media and in the coworker's case i couldn't be fucked since i didn't want to deal with workplace drama
>how long did it last?
ons lasted barely ten minutes lol, thankfully never got that fair with the coworker despite his attempts
> how did you feel?
nothing with ons, coworker kinda pissed me off but oh well
>how did the girlfriend or wife react to you?
ons's wifey likely never found out unless his moid mates said something, coworker's gf was very insecure with me, she cornered me in a bar and asked me "do you really like girls?" since im bi and she didn't specify i just said yes and she said something to the effect of "oh good my bf didn't lie when he said you're a lesbian"
>talk about your experience
ons was uneventful but when i ignored coworker's weird attempts to get flirty he went around telling everyone he'd fuck me, kinda funny how moids act way more perverted with you once they realise you're not gonna fuck them
Anonymous 118876
My fiance and I started dating at a time where he was noncommittally flirting with a bunch of people, and one of them was a woman who was cheating on her boyfriend with him, and looking to monkey branch. When I said I liked him, he immediately cut everyone he was flirting with off, her included, as in his own words, he just wanted me that badly. Turns out she was incredibly emotionally invested in him, she was planning to have him fly out to go have sex with her and see if he was really a "viable" option for a relationship, lol. Of course with me in the picture, that was shot dead, and she was seething for a month until she did some digging and found out we were dating, took screenshots of my socials where I was talking about him and confronted him, saying that I was just some "random girl" he was all of a sudden extremely invested in and was confused and felt pushed to the side by him, as if she wasn't actively cheating on her boyfriend with him. She kept trying to convince him to give her another chance, and he sent me the entire conversation and I realized immediately she was actively attempting to monkey branch with him and getting angry her plan didn't work. I showed him an article about monkey branching, he sent it to her, she gave the thumbs up emoji and never spoke to him again. Cheaters get fucked.
Anonymous 118877
>>118876>When I said I liked him, he immediately cut everyone he was flirting with offAnd you ACTUALLY believed that? You really think he was juggling a dozen different side girls without knowing exactly what to say to all of them to keep them happy? How can you be that naive.
Anonymous 118885
>>118877It happens. My eventual husband did it for me.