
Advice, Please! I can’t choose a hobby!!! Anonymous 118809
I am seemingly interested in EVERYTHING but never actually do anything… What do I do!?
My best breakthrough is to do multiple hobbies at once… maybe three? But even then I cannot decide which three to do!!!
Anonymous 118850
pick the cheapest and least time-consuming ones first?
Anonymous 118860
If you want to learn a billion skills at once, try 3D printing!
Cuz you'll have to learn 3D modeling, printer hardware + add-ons & upgrades, troubleshooting, plastic types, etc.
Anonymous 118861
drawing, writing, knitting
Anonymous 118866
>>118850This, theres a lot of cool hobbies that are expensive but if you start with cheap hobbies you can learn what you seek from your hobbies. I learned I like creating and building things from making cheap servers for file/media hosting, and so I got into woodworking too because I liked the creation aspect of the hobby
Anonymous 118870
You dont need to choose a hobby you can have as many hobbies as you want to and do them whenever you feel like
Anonymous 118883
Dont overthink it and just do alot of stuff simultaneously.
You'll eventually dial it down and narrow it down to either just one or two..
Anonymous 118897
I feel like I'm going through something similar where I'm so compelled to take up a new hobby for about a month or so, and then quietly lose interest and move onto something new. I've tried returning to piano, drawing, gardening, dance, bead spriting, baking…nothing seems to stick, but I still want to do all of it. lately I find myself reminiscing about how I used to write stories and poetry all the time when I was a kid, but I'm also looking at these gorgeous outfits and cosplays on social media and dreaming about how cool it would be if I could make and alter my own clothes. there's not enough time or money in a hundred lifetimes to do everything, but here I am dipping my toes in ten different pools. so…let me know when you figure it out!
Anonymous 118900
>>118809>I am seemingly interested in EVERYTHING but never actually do anything… What do I do!?i've been like that for a long time. i think what helped me was to change my perspective from what i wanted (which was a lot) to what time do i have and how to spend it wisely. time is the precious resource and you spend it. when you want to do stuff and don't end up doing it, you are not in the habit of spending your time.
had the hardest time with planning my days, waking up every day felt a completely unrelated new life. one thing that helped was always thinking of one thing for the next day and then writing it down because my head was so fast and so all over the place that i often forgot my decisions and then wasted a day not remembering what i actually wanted to do and then late in the evening when it was no longer possible i remembered.
Anonymous 118905
I'm interested in starting acting/improvisation, but both are too expensive to start, I can't afford classes since I'm an unemployed shutin. Also both communities seem really toxic, not just cliquey and intolerant of "difference", but in that people actively celebrate the cliquey-ness/intolerance, and brush it off as "just how it is".
(also I'm not sure I'd be good at line memorisation)
Anonymous 118906
>>118905I hope you can afford classes one day. acting is fulfilling for the soul, and I miss it terribly.
I def get being worried about it being cliquey. what I'll say from having both cast and crew experience is that the cliquey feeling is often a byproduct of the nature of theatrical work. a lot of actors will make an effort to be welcoming, they tend to be pretty personable.
also it's normal to be intimidated by memorizing lines! the process might not be like you're thinking, though–for me it felt more like learning song lyrics than trying to memorize a book or something like that.
Anonymous 119042
I don't want to sound rude and I know starting my post with this does not help me achieve that.
How autistic are you?
Can you sit down for long periods of time, do you have to constantly be moving, do you pay attention to tiny details that aren't important, etc etc?
My point is what can you physically handle, that should help narrow it down, for example if you want to be outdoors and are in decent shape then you can try hiking, or if you want to be glued to the internet then try streaming and making an anime girl avatar.