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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 118878

What are you supposed to talk about on a first date, or when a guy approaches you?

Anonymous 118901

>What are you supposed to

you sound like an actor wanting to be fed a line in a theater play. don't learn how to trick people into liking you by saying what is normal and performing the theater of normality, just be who you are and some will like it and others will not and that's great because you wouldn't want people in your life who don't actually like you and only like you when you bend yourself into some normalized version of yourself.

Anonymous 118937

Not helpful. Not OP, but I often have nothing to say. Sometimes I'll sit there in silence, even if I enjoy the other person's company. I just don't want to annoy the other person with my thoughts and I don't want them to annoy me with their thoughts. Unfortunately, for all bar one of my friends, silence comes off as aloofness.

Anonymous 118948

It's the mans job to entertain and flatter YOU when he's taking to you. He's the one who asked you out, he's the one who wanted this date to happen.

If you ever feel pressured to lead the conversation during a date, that means the man is failing at his job and not worth going on a second date with.

Anonymous 118978

You are really taking something out on her

Anonymous 118983

hobbies, interests, jobs/education, pets, music, recent travels, literally anything more or less lighthearted. You want to have fun and get to know each other a bit more.

Anonymous 118994

i dont have the instincts to know how to talk to people. why does this make me the villain to you?
>stop shaping yourself into a mold propaganda victim
>stop affecting people negatively with your weird behaviour
which one is it?

Anonymous 118996

i want to get better and treat people how they appreciate being treated (and how they appreciate the way i should act so i dont "negatively affect" them). but if i say i want that you call me a dumb follower. if i say i dont care about being normal you call me an evil faker. i cant win. its no matter what i do, i lose. this must be what its like walking into the mouth of a narcissist. the truth is whatever you want based on whatever you feel in the moment.

Anonymous 119014

Shut up scrote.

Anonymous 119025

you ignored everything i wrote about being genuine instead of inauthentic by changing your mindset and jumped into making assumptions about how fake i am to feed your pathetic male ego again. ive met people like you. whatever logic is said you ignore and twist the truth to fit your narrative of being above everyone. youre toxic and use therapy language to manipulate people into doing whatever you want even now when you accuse me of being manipulative myself. you dont realise this, but words dont hold meaning for you. theyre just opportunities to get your dopamine by feeking superior to other people as you have demonstrated everywhere on cc. thats why in every post you make youre combatative and egotistical. its just how the narcissist brain works. you cant tell that youre "mazing" others and trying to control people by fabricating things about them because its your instinct. in reality you have no clue if i treat people kindly or if i treat them like dirt. you dont know who i am. and although you have a big ego people like you dont know yourself either. real women dont have addictions to controlling other women desperately like this especially not on a random imageboard, youre a tranny repeating delusions to finally feel better than cis women. how do i know? youre writing style and deranged allusory attitude is easy to spot anywhere. youre the same pedophile tranny who calls himself "supreme" on discord that admits to arguing on cc and brags about controlling cis women all day. i hate sadistic fags like you. heres the most honest thing that comes from my heart and mind: you will never be a real woman

Anonymous 119047

Based. Now I don’t know if the schizo deleted his posts or they were saged. Either way I hope he doesn’t come back.

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