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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Anonymous 118935

My ex bf who dated for like 8 years just got a new gf. We’ve talked everyday since we broke up. Now that he’s dating her, he treats me differently. I found out today he went to visit her family and meet her dad. They’ve been dating a month. Through 8 years of dating we visited my dad maybe like 5 times. He didn’t like going and I didn’t wanna push him. The last time we went, I ended up in tears. he screamed at me about how I made him go. Then cried and said he didn’t like going cause he didn’t have a family. He drives like 2-4 hours to see her. He wouldn’t even drive 5 minutes to the coffee place in town for me. Do I have a right to be kind of hurt and upset?
(She’s a lard monster, a literal land whale. Shes not better looking than I am.)

Anonymous 118936

He downgraded, but you f'd up by not cutting all contact as soon as it was over.

Anonymous 118954

Uh maybe I didn’t have to dig for this information at all because he just tells me these kinds of things. If I wanted to be unhappy I probably wouldn’t pay for therapy every week and wouldn't take my meds. Thanks for the off brand psych analysis though.
I tried but 8 years is a long time and I don’t really have any family.

Anonymous 118957

your ex sounds like a bitch ass nigga. be glad he's gone

Anonymous 118959

Yeah that’s a lot of yapping. You’re making a lot of assumptions based off of very little information. I didn’t find out how far away she lived lol he told me where she lived. Also I have a female therapist. Super crazy you’d assume my therapist is male. Like what’s with vitriol?

Anonymous 118961


Anonymous 119055

8 years is a crazy long time. just cut contact with him and in the future, only stay with men that actually value and care about you. i'm sorry that happened to you though.

Anonymous 119075

You need to stop comparing your relationship because it's only gonna make you sadder. Cut contact and move on.

And fyi, after my breakup, I analyzed all the places I went wrong so I wouldn't repeat the same mistake in my next relationship, he might just be doing the same, doesn't make you any lesser to him.

Anonymous 119281

mb he upgraded? younger and better looking girl? brighter future (no crystal cafe posting)?

Anonymous 119284

i understand how you feel i can kinda relate to your situation but as hard as it sounds the best solution is always to just cut contact and try to move on and remember this doesn’t reflect on your character sometimes thats just how people are im sorry anon :(

Anonymous 119290

As >>118957 said, he's a bitch. If he's visiting her dad even though he hated going to yours, that means that either he realized he was a dumbass and that any normal man wouldn't complain, or that he realized he was going to keep losing every future gf like he lost you. Kinda like how if after an unhealthy person gets a heart attack, they start exercising. Or if a person was never able to keep a gf because he never showered, so he started showering.

If she's fatter and uglier than you, then odds are is that he's settling, and might even be regretful.

>do I have the right to be hurt and upset

yeah I guess, but like I feel you don't have much reason to. Trash threw himself out. Feel you should be happy af

Anonymous 119297

>this doesn’t reflect on your character
Let's be honest here. It more than likely does. Anyone who posts on a website like this and browses the imageboard sphere probably isn't a great or interesting person.

Anonymous 119333

you dont have the right to feel anything at this point, he loved you at some point but that's gone now. reality is (move on) he wasn't the right one to begin with. there's a reason why he treats you differently but 8 years? seriously let go. theres no reason to be upset over somebody who didnt put in the effort for any of your needs.

Anonymous 119337

I wouldnt be hurt that he left me but that I wastd 8 years with a guy that didnt love me

Anonymous 119355

Anon he's a loser, stop talking to him. It is not normal to maintain daily contact with an ex when they have a new gf.

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