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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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making friends is so hard Anonymous 119277

I wanna make friends so badly but i feel like i always manage to ruin it because of how awkward i am it doesn’t really matter to me who the person is I just want to talk to someone :(

Anonymous 119279

I think its honestly due to technology or smartphones. Nobody seems to ever want to communicate anymore other than with just their inner circle of friends. I am not an awkward person, but even the friendships I do make don't last long not because I am not trying, they just stop making the effort to communicate or even link up.

Anonymous 119280

Do you mean real life friends or just discord friends?

Anonymous 119282


i think this is probably the case too… it seems like no one really cares to get to know anyone anymore it feels like whenever i meet new people i cant even expect to talk to them anymore past that even if were considered “friends” everything just feels so fake

Anonymous 119283

either or i just wanna be able to talk to people about anything really :(

Anonymous 119340

I'd say the best way to make good friends is too find an obscure community for, well, anything really and be active on it, even if they tend to be full of weirdos. I used to be really really awkward socially growing up, I then joined the community for a game that no longer exists in principle and found friends that'll last me a lifetime.

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