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Vent: Lesbian Relationships Anonymous 119386

Just wanted to vent about my recent lesbian relationship really. I don’t often talk to many people and I hope I can find some people on here that can understand what I’m going through. I’ve been in an on and off relationship with a girl for a few months now. Her and I are really into kpop and we play video games together sometimes. We know each other in person, but she isn’t really on image boards as I am. She is seriously a bit of an asshole, yet I like her still. I’ve been distancing myself from her and called it completely off yet I cannot stop thinking about her sometimes. She’s a really beautiful more masculine tomboyish girl but she starts arguments out of the blue, and even wanted to get rid of me she said verbally in the past. I believe she’s undiagnosed with whatever shit is going on in her head.
Does anyone have some sort of advice on moving on or any other lesbians have been in a similar situation?

Anonymous 119387

idk be straight

Anonymous 119388

Probably closeted

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