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I don’t seem to belong anywhere!? Anonymous 119396

I can’t seem to connect to anyone—online or not.

It sucks because I’d see these cool conversations between others (mostly online but elsewhere, too) and I’d be interested to join in on something like that, too.

But no one really reaches out for me. It’s always’who reaches out after a reasonable amount of time.

Now, I’m comfortable in my own company for the most part but it’s strange that, when I do put myself out there, I am not someone people continuously contact.

It’s like I wasn’t meant to be involved in other’s worlds but every so often I come close enough to brush against it— you know?

Anonymous 119402

honestly you just have to put in more effort if you really want friendships as an adult. be extra friendly and inviting and it'll work out eventually.

Anonymous 119405

I understand how you feel

Anonymous 119406

Sometimes they are not the type of people who would understand you.

Anonymous 119407

I'm jealous that your comfortable in your own company. It kills me to be alone with myself.

Anonymous 119443


Yeah, I try my best to balance out when I decided to reach out.

Too little and everything fizzles out so quickly but too much can lead to everyone thinking you’re annoying.

In a way, I am fine with the waiting game. But I’ve been a little bummed out because it seems as if it only takes one sentence for something to bloom between anyone around me. However, that doesn’t seem to be he case at any time with me. Guess that’s been bothering me a little. Almost like there is something fundamentally wrong with me and it sucks because I think I’m normal-ish.

Anonymous 119444


And I hope for you to find comfort soon :)

Anonymous 119445


I suck with image board culture but I forgot to mention I’m the OP in the last two comments prior to this one, too.

But yes. I’ve always been like this, though. I have always wanted to spend more time by myself than with others but, as you get older, it’s not as easy.

Don’t beat yourself up about it too much. We are meant to be social so it’ll make sense that you’re uncomfortable with it.

Anonymous 119455

It does kill me, but what can I do.

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