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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Anonymous 119477

My boyfriend just got a blue collar job and now I feel like I’m dating a retard and could have done better. If I break up with him for it people might think I’m shallow.

Anonymous 119479

Sounds like you are shallow. If you are so completely swayed by how others view your boyfriend's job, then just leave him. Don't be afraid to be yourself.

Anonymous 119480

What was he doing when you first started dating him?

Anonymous 119481

At least he has a job and is not a lazy fuck

Anonymous 119482

Cheat on him so he breaks up with you.

Anonymous 119484

When we met he was in school and working at a grocery store but he only got a two year degree before getting an apprenticeship
Sure but my family has always valued a university education and he did the bare minimum before just going to work on planes as an electrician. If he were an engineer it would be different. It’s not even about the money because apparently aircraft electricians do make decent money but everybody is going to think he’s an idiot and therefore they may think I am an idiot too. I want to be on at least the same academic level as my potential husband

Anonymous 119485


you are shallow
you are insecure
you see your partner as a trophy
someone just sugested you cheat on him

I normally just tell people to be honest of how they feel, but the realization of your feelings can only lead you to misery, wir on yourself. Moids have so many awfull characteristics and you only see this? your set to failure if you dont change

Anonymous 119486

Okay, but he has a job. Do you have a job, a degree, any education or work experience? Or are you a retard? (as this post may suggest you are.)

If you're seriously going to complain that your boyfriend has a job and can support you, you are insecure and shallow. You need to work on improving YOURSELF.

Anonymous 119488

>everybody is going to think he’s an idiot for being an aircraft electrician
Yes, you are in fact an idiot, good luck out there finding your rocket surgeon.

Anonymous 119490

Yes I have a mechanical engineering degree and lots of experience in the lab

Anonymous 119491


>lots of experience in the lab

Anonymous 119494

Washing the professor's beakers isn't "experience in the lab"

Anonymous 119498


youre the retard

Anonymous 119499

I feel like this is fake

Anonymous 119514

you are shallow. so what are you going to do about it?

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