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Age gap relationships Anonymous 119515

So, I finally got a boyfriend, but I am 26 and he is 46. I keep trying to tell myself that we should break up and that it will never work out. It’s just he’s so good to me and treats me so well and I really do love him. I just don’t know what to do.

Anonymous 119518

you're only 26, you can just wait it out and see what happens

Anonymous 119519

there's better men that aren't geriatric don't waste your youth

Anonymous 119523

I'm in an age gap relationship. I'm in my early to mid twenties, he's in his late thirties.

It's worth a try, you might find genuine love. I like his friends too and we have lovely times together. We've been together for nine months and this is the first time I've ever felt loved. Some s here might think this is a big meme but there can be huge comfort found with older men, and not in a daddy issues sort of way. I'm someone this sort of relationship is right for - age gaps are not for everyone.

Thing is, as an aside irrelevant to your post, I'm also a big autist so I'm always worrying about unnecessary things or not making decisions about things which do matter. Lately I feel like I'm often on the brink of breaking up with him because of things of which age is a contributing factor - his stubbornness, his plans to donate his sperm. He's also a Tate fan. Honestly I don't care what people believe but he harps on about him and I get this close to telling him to shut the fuck up. I haven't broken up with him yet because I can't tell if I make myself feel upset because I feel I should or if I actually feel upset. But this is an individual thing; my friend is with an older man and he's more liberal leaning.

So yeah there are ups and downs. You need to make him lay everything on the table. Make it very clear that the younger partner gets the short end of the stick. Make sure this relationship is loving and worthwhile, because as a young woman you do have plenty of options. Think about if you want to help him into his adult Pampers and ensure he's stocked up on Viagra.

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